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Improving grip and building forearms!

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Thanks MH ! I was thinking of doing wristcurls but I really don't want to give myself any extra work! ok then!! in that case I'm on course to getting the fore arms I want/need! right now I can only dream of catching up to you on the deadlift but give me a couple of months

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Farmers walks! Just grab the biggest dumbbells you can find and walk for distance. Not only do these really work your grip, but also your arms, back, core and legs. And hips. Basically full body.


First time I did these with proper farmers walk handles I did several 100' walks with 150 lb per hand and I felt like an old man for 2 days after I was so sore (especially my hips!). I did tear a huge callous off my hand doing them, but it only made my hands tougher once it healed

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When I was a kid monkey bars were so easy, somehow they got harder as I got older I have just started doing timed one hand hangs from a chinup bar to work my grip strength, it is pretty tough, especially when you are swinging back and forth.

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I wasn't sure where to put this, but figured this thread was a good place. I've always taken pride in the fact that my forearms are pretty freaky. I've heard Michael Hobson has some awesome forearms, bigger than mine (but maybe less veins). I recently saw some photos of the forearms on Ryan (VeganEssentials) and Kalani (Kollision).


Man.....you guys have some HUGE forearms! Great work! I think you guys are also the two strongest here.


One thing I used to do for forearm strength was wrap a towel around the handle of the dumbbell to make it harder to grip it. I'd do that when doing one-arm dumbbell rows, shrugs and pulling exercises like that.


Anyway, you guys have some huge awesome arms and I just wanted to say excellent work with that!



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Heres one thing I love to do.


If you are grabbing the plates (not necessarily the 45 lbs, any plates in general) grab it from the tab in the middle and walk with that or instead of grabbing them with your whole hands on its side, grab it with two or three fingers. I personally just use my thumb and index.


Same applies with dumbbells.

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