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Vegan questions...


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OK, so ethically speaking I would like very much to give up dairy and eggs (I've been off meat for 2 years). I've been off dairy for a week ( I must say, it has not been as easy as I thought It would be---but I'm committed to it!), and I'm currently eggs away from Veganism.


I do have some health concerns... and I've been doing quite a bit of reading and research, yet I don't feel satisfied with my findings.


I have no issue with giving up dairy, I am glad to be rid of that.


Protein wise...... I know soy and tofu in moderation are fine, but I've come to believe/realize that they are no 'superfood'. I've read quite a bit now linking them to both breast and cervical cancer in women, when consumed daily. This concerns me! I've never been a huge fan of tofu anyway.... I don't like the idea of genetically engineered food. I always figured I was getting enough protein from eggs, beans, and lentils. Mostly the eggs, though. Eggs have been a daily staple for me..... and I'm worried I won't get adequate protein without them.....


I guess my (first) question is..... Can I be a vegan without copious amounts of tofu? I have it now once every week or two.


My next issue is with essential fatty acids.... Omega 3's, specifically. Even as a vegetarian, I cheated and took "Omega 3 fish oil" pills everyday. I'm willing to try flax.... or anything else, for that matter.... but is flax oil as beneficial? I know that fish oil provides DHA and EPA.... and flax provides ALA..... and that a normal, healthy person's body has the ability to convert ALA to DHA/EPA....


BUT, I've read that the human brain needs rather large amounts of DHA to be fully cognitive.... and that oftentimes the human body won't convert ALA properly, or won't convert it if it is needed elsewhere.


Does flax seem to work just fine for all of you?


My last issue/question is with aging..... this is a weird one, but I'd love to hear the results of other people's research on this.... I've read now in a number of different places that although Vegans are more likely to avoid diseases and sicknesses as they age, that the internal organs (as well as our skin, actually) age quicker than the organs of people who, say, eat fish. The study I read reported that red meat eaters obviously aged the quickest, with strict Vegans not too far behind... The people who both lived the longest and looked the youngest were "pesco-vegetarians."


I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on all this. As I said, ethically I don't believe in the consumption of animal products or bi-products.... but I want to be a healthy person too. I figure many of you have to be SUPER healthy to be as in fantastic shape as you are and might have nuggets of information I might not have. And personal experiences that may speak louder than the findings of any research group.


Thanks in advance for any input!

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1. You can get plenty of protein without soy. All other legumes are very rich in it.


2. Eat a tablespoon or two of flax by grinding it and putting it into baking, a smoothie, oatmeal, etc. every singe day. Take some vegan DHA such as Omega Zen, Water4life, etc. everyday.


3. No. If you eat a whole food, vegan diet, you are more likely to consume fewer calories, which from what I am aware, is the only proven method to slow the aging process. Also, the increase in nutrient density of your diet will help to offset illness and make you look younger.

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Protein wise...... I know soy and tofu in moderation are fine, but I've come to believe/realize that they are no 'superfood'. I've read quite a bit now linking them to both breast and cervical cancer in women, when consumed daily. This concerns me! I've never been a huge fan of tofu anyway....


Soy foods of all kind are competeing against the meat, dairy, and egg industries, all very rich people who fund studies to say things to scare people. Do a search on "soy" in the search engine here and on vegnafitness.net. There is a book by a scientist called Dr. Jane Plant who saved herself from being killed by breast cancer by using her training as a scientist to evaluate cancer research for herself. She highly recommends soy and details why.


I don't like the idea of genetically engineered food.


Food with a USDA organic label are not allowed to be genetically modified. You can get organic tofu at any Whole Foods, Trader Joes, or local health food store.


I always figured I was getting enough protein from eggs, beans, and lentils. Mostly the eggs, though. Eggs have been a daily staple for me..... and I'm worried I won't get adequate protein without them.....


If you ate nothing but one cup of cooked beans and one cup of cooked whole grain 3 times a day you would get over 60 grams of protein. Add other foods in you get even more.


I guess my (first) question is..... Can I be a vegan without copious amounts of tofu? I have it now once every week or two.


Yes, soy is just one choice for a concentrated protein food.


Does flax seem to work just fine for all of you?


Yes, many of us since we are paranoid health nuts also take the water4life dha/epa supplement.



My last issue/question is with aging..... this is a weird one, but I'd love to hear the results of other people's research on this.... I've read now in a number of different places that although Vegans are more likely to avoid diseases and sicknesses as they age, that the internal organs (as well as our skin, actually) age quicker than the organs of people who, say, eat fish. The study I read reported that red meat eaters obviously aged the quickest, with strict Vegans not too far behind... The people who both lived the longest and looked the youngest were "pesco-vegetarians."


I've been a vegan for about 13 years. I've been a vegetarian for close to 30. I've never eaten seafood. Everybody else in my family has a cardiovascular issue or wears glasses besides me. Almost everybody I know, even younger is on a regular prescription drug of some kind. I need none. I consistently get told I look 10 years younger then I am. I have no trouble getting the interest of women 10 -15 years younger than I am, though I often prefer to date women in their mid 30s - mid 40s as I think they are most sexy and interesting women around when they take care of themselves. Ironically, the smarter ones often turn me down thinking I am some young guy with a cougar fetish who will dump them because they are "older".


I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on all this.


I think you would get a lot out of reading this SHORT sticky note:


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