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Yeah, MS and BS in mechanical. The classes weren't too bad. Actually the last part of calculus I thought was the hardest. Statics was easy. Thermodynamics isn't too bad. I've just hated the jobs (Toyota, LA National Lab) and have had some horrible advisors in my MS and PhD. Maybe just bad luck. Twilight Zone bad luck. I don't know. I've applied to become a fireman which about sums it up for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh Hun, I'm so sorry you have to go through that.


Are you sure you aren't related to me, the whole, if wasn't for bad luck....well you know. Nothing is EVER easy, although it should be. That's why I don't play lotto or gamble.


Anyway, I hope it works itself out soon.


Hehe, you a felon....yeah right.

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If it's any consolation, and I don't mean to push my faith or beliefs on you or anyone for that matter, l would take this to mean that you were not expected or should not have expected to get that job. Something could have been very wrong or could have become wrong OR perhaps there is something better just around the corner. When bizarre things happen like this, it's usually for a reason. And at the very least this mistake was uncovered now.


Stay positive and the right position will come along.

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Damn I love the superman paraphenalia on this site. My proudest day as a kid was going to the school halloween party with a homemade superman suit on. Oh my god was it bad now that I look back at it!! But I love my mom very much and A+ for effort ma


And you guys got it going on in addition to the big daddy superman Daywalker.



P.S. My mom's name is Lois and you already know what my last name is.... seriously........

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My proudest day as a kid was going to the school halloween party with a homemade superman suit on. Oh my god was it bad now that I look back at it!! But I love my mom very much and A+ for effort ma



Ohhhhh, I LOVE Halloween! My fave holiday!! My mom made me some kick butt costumes. I probably won more costume contests than any kid! Since then, I've made quite a few myself. I have a trunk full of costumes. And even more ideas for costumes!

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Sorry willpeavy, we're off topic..... It's CrispyQ's fault


Hey CrispyQ have you got any photos of you as a kid at halloween? Hey wait a minute, you could be a kid right now

Well, anyway, do you have any photos you want to share. I'll try to get a hold of mine. It will take some time but the laugh factor will be worth it.


Are you a kid or not???

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I'm a kid at heart but my body betrays me!


Best costumes:

Indian princess -- except the kids teased me cuz I have blue eyes.

Blood dripping Dracula -- lots of fun

Ragdoll -- my least favorite costume

Bumble bee -- I loved the wings & used them with another costume when I was older.

Caveman kid -- loved this cuz I got to smear dirt on my face!

Sea fairy -- beautiful costume, but I lost track of this one.

Hippie with the coolest tye dye shirt & a super cool peace sign necklace. This was my mothers least favorite costume. She hated it, which of course, led me to LOVE it!


As an adult, my fave costume has been my Sam I Am. I have a rockin' paper mache Green Eggs & Ham. The ham is so absolutely fantastic, with a little fork sticking out of it. Whenever I wear this costume, people always comment on what a great costume it is. I think it brings out the kid in everyone.


Unfortunately, no photos. We were not a photo taking family. If grandma wasn't there, there were no photos. But please, share yours!!! I love Halloween costumes & seeing photos of others always generates good ideas!

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