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Vega at Green D.C. festival. is Vegan bodybuilding going ?


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From what I understand we canceled that event so Vega won't be there afterall.


We're there in San Fran, Chicago and Seattle, but we're by-passing the D.C. one unless something changed without me knowing, but I'm the one that normally books all the events.


So we won't be there, and VBB won't be either. They are great shows and I encourage everyone to attend! It's all about eco products and companies.


It is about $2000 to exhibit there so I don't see VBB there anytime soon and it's more tailored to food companies. The only reason Vega won't be there for that one in D.C. is because our presence in the D.C. area is very small, whereas in San Fran, Chicago and Seattle, it is extremely strong and those are some of our top regions.


Sorry we'll miss you!

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I'll probably go to check it out, even though Vega and VBB won't be there.


I sent the Vega people an email the other day and they did say that they're trying to expand the market in the DC area. With any luck we'll be able to buy Vega directly off the shelves of our local organic market in the near future!

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oh maybe that was just some venders in total... oh I got it. Oh well. Maybe D.C. Vegan board members can go rep with our shirts. Maybe that will get some eyes turned and we can influence them towards this site and maybe to think about veganism.




by the way 2000 dollars what the ..... that is crazy money!!! wow!

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Yeah, $2000 is around the standard price for a booth at these types of festivals. The price can be much higher at some shows, around the $20,000 mark depending on the size of the booth.


I heard Muscular Development spent $200,000 (nearly a quarter of a million dollars) on their booth at the Arnold Classic, the largest fitness event in the world.


Most VegFests are $200-$500 for a booth. Those are the show we exhibit at with Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness.


Yeah, we'll miss D.C. this time around but I think that region will grow for us and we'll be there next year.


If you go, please do rep our shirts That would be cool!

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The DC Metro area is a ripe place to sell vega. Aside from many food co-ops there are also a large number of health food stores, Whole Foods, GNCs, and Trader Joes.


I don't know when, but once a year there is a convention for health food vendors, only. It sounds like the place, if there is one, for getting a toe hold in the DC area. The people I've known who have gone to it always come back with a cart load of freebies. I know someone who goes every year. If you are interested I can ping her on your behalf to get the info.

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I'm going to the Green Festival. There are a HUGE number of exhibitors and much free stuff to get. It is also a great place to run into just about everyone from the vegan community. They also have a few vegan restaurants there selling food so you can get something decent to eat. Lots to see and do.

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Thanks man!


You know what...you may be thinking of the Natural Products Expo East which just got moved to Boston this year. It has historically been at the Baltimore Convention Center....or the other event could have been the D.C. Green Festival, but this is only the 2nd or 3rd year for that event in that region (in D.C.).


I know D.C. is a great market for Vega....Vega is slowly moving through the US. We just got into Florida last year and into Colorado and Arizona only months ago. We've been in Oregon for almost 3 years.


We just picked certain regions because it was easier than blanketing the country...but I am pushing for more stuff in D.C. and we'll work harder on that region.


D.C. is awesome and you guys/gals make it a strong community for veganism too.


We'll be there, in more stores...very soon



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I emailed my contact just to make sure what we are talking about.


I recently tried several flavors of vega and I thought that vega tasted uncommonly good. I also really liked only have to take ONE thing as far as supplements go.


The universal complaint I hear about Vega is the price. I think that *MAY* be unfair because people compare it to protein supplements, but Vega isn't a protein supplement, its an all-in-one supplement tailored to vegan needs. The research may cost a little money, but I think it would help when Vega is advertised if the price is compared to what it would cost to buy all of the nutrients/supplements in it separately.

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Damn some people think money grow on trees. These expos charge and arm and a leg for a y little booth. Time to put some woop a## on those price gougers!!! Lol!


I am sure a lot has to with renting a venue, but I do know my friend use to rent a gym size room in a rec center for 500 dollars which I know because he threw a bunch of breakdance competitions and charged people 10 bucks at the door. We ended up having to pay a dj too but at the end I think my friend made money.


D.C. we are coming out strong...Rob do appreciate all the honorable mentions of our area. We are doing are best.


whmm I think sometimes people forget D.C. even exists. I always here the big things going out over in California. Must because they got all the celebs! and nice weather.

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yeah venues cost a lot, especially major expo centers.


Usually booths that those major health shows are around $3000-$5000, not all are $40,000, on the huge ones.


But yeah, some companies spend a lot...like that $200,000 booth for the Arnold, MD had.


At the AR Conference, we paid $400 for the VB&F table and sold $1500 in VB&F clothing, which was cool. There are always other fees like paying staff, shipping, flights, hotels, etc.


I cut costs all the time by staying with people, trading for things, etc. whatever I can do to save Vega and VB&F money when I travel

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