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Pushing vs Pulling muscles


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This topic is all about pecs/triceps vs lats/biceps.


1.) Which are your strongest/biggest?

2.) Which should be stronger/bigger in your opinion?

3.) What do you struggle with?

4.) How should which muscles be trained?



1.) It seems to me that I was born with great pulling muscles, but not the best pushing muscles. This could either be genetic or the fact that I've never played a sport in my life. I'd say my triceps are the smallest part of my body (maybe my calves too, but I'm not sure). I think they're what make me not look muscular. I'm not sure how big/strong my back is compared to others, although I have no problem with it. My chest could be bigger, but I can bench more than my own bodyweight, so I don't think I'm lacking too much. I think the big problem is that most people are used to a huge chest but don't really care about lats, so the average person may think my chest is small. The big problem with me is that my biceps are WAY bigger than my triceps. I wouldn't say they're a great deal stronger, but they seem to grow bigger/faster than my triceps by a lot. This gets me angry


2.) I think the size order should go like this:

Lats > Chest

Triceps > Biceps


I'm not entirely sure why, but that's just something that's in my head. Let me try to explain what may be behind my opinion...The chest is overrated and lots of people train their chest more than other body parts and many ONLY want a huge chest. The lats are often ignored in new trainees and are very important. Therefore, I think the lats should be focused on more than the chest. On the other hand, the triceps should be bigger in my opinion. Not only do they make your arms look bigger/stronger at rest, but the average person probably uses it more than their biceps (especially for sports). I think this is why the average athlete has big triceps and not biceps.


3.) Like I said, I definitely struggle with getting my triceps bigger


4.) I think this depends on the person and their goals. I used to train one muscle per day, and of course, my biceps grew more than my triceps. I'm doing Bill Starr's 5x5 program now and there's only one bicep isolation exercise per week, while there are two for triceps, yet my biceps are STILL growing more than my triceps. I don't know how they should be trained, but many someone out there with the same problem can help me out?


Not sure how to explain the point of the post. I guess it's just to discuss which muscles should be stronger/bigger (if any), and whether or not the average person has the right idea when it comes to that topic.



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1.) Which are your strongest/biggest?

2.) Which should be stronger/bigger in your opinion?

3.) What do you struggle with?

4.) How should which muscles be trained?


1. Chest probably.

2. Well the back obviously. If your chest is bigger you better be a girl with fake boobies or something is wrong.


The key to my exercise program is this one simple truth: I hate my body

4. not sure if i understand the question but my answer is: hardcore

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1.) Which are your strongest/biggest?




2.) Which should be stronger/bigger in your opinion?


Your back (esp the lats) I would think should be stronger naturally, but its all about keeping a balance, both for aesthetics, overall strength and injury prevention.


3.) What do you struggle with?


Barbell bench press (but not dumbells - unsure why!)


4.) How should which muscles be trained?


Intensely, smartly, and lots of rest

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