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Must watch "what you should know about vitamins"


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Well I can give you a synopsis. It basically breaks down what vitamins you need and how much and how they are used in the body. Plus it show differences between certain vitamines such as Vitamin "A" in meat is actually harmful. And other carnivorous animals are able to utilize it but not humans. Goes into B12 and how fortified nutritional yeast is actually pretty good stuff for your health. Seeds are great sources of nutrition. Spinach being one of the top full vitamin power houses so are sunflower seeds. He makes a joke about the sunflower seed and Spinach diet. It really is worth watching if you want to be more informed about the foods you eat and what these vitamins are really responsible for. Why humans are really vegan or as close to it that. Oh and he mentions Vitamin D as more of a hormone not a vitamin. Vitamin D is only really necessary if you never see the sun during the day.


I hope this helps somewhat.

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