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Define Vegan ...


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What is veganism to you? What truely makes someone vegan.


I am being serious here. I see to many people jumping on the bandwagon and they really don't understand veganism.


I think vegans are people who not just don't eat or wear animal clothes but are trying to make a difference for animals in some way. Such as informing people about animal cruelty, educating them why they should adopt a vegan diet or taking direct action to help animals in some way, or at least staying committed to the cause.


Trendy Vegans come and go. As some celebrity so called vegans would say "like Oct - Nov I am vegan but the rest of the year I think I will eat meat." or I eat vegan but I still wear leather... Uhhh yeah your not vegan.


There are many ways to approach action.



Robert tours around the country. He works hard to push a good image for vegans as fit and healthy. Heather Mills speaks out for animals on a continous basis. I think this is important. Veganism is not sitting there and being ok today I am going to just eat letttuce because I think it is cool. Nor is it just a phase. Once you say I am vegan there is no going back. Each one of you when your working out ... working hard your not just building a fit body but your a symbol to all vegans out there and you represent Vegans as strong and healthy.


Why I am I a critic? well because when a person does it like Oprah... it makes it look like a trend that will eventually fade. Even if it is in the spotlight. People follow Oprah because she sets trends. Or When a vegan falls off on purpose it sends a bad message to the rest of the world saying oh that person could not do it. It was too hard.


Or if they gave it up because they were told too or they just could not resist eating that fish or meat. I think those people were really never vegan just lost mentally...


I think the word vegan should embrace " committed to the welfare of all animals, including humans no matter what."



Why is the term so important to me and many others ... because this is no joking matter. Animals are tortured and killed on a day to day basis... lets not forget that. Someone needs to take it seriously and stand up for them... they have no voice and this is not a trendy hip thing. This is not about being proud or trying to be different. It is about the animals and the planet and yes your health.


So get up stick those Vegan roots down in the ground and say "I am here to stay"

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good post; i think vegans have a duty to be fit an healthy.


A vegan who is skinny, anaemic, excercise deficient and sickly could potentially be doing as much harm then good; sure, he might not be killing any animals but he could be putting other people off vegetarianism, specially people who know little about it, or who have the guilty concience but are maybe trying to convince themselves it isnt the way forward.


Personally I can say that it was only after learning that vegans can be as fit and healthy as meat eaters and there is literally no disadvantage at all, that I gave up animal products; maybe thats selfish or something but thats what put the lid on it 4 me ; before that I still hated animal cruelty, but ate animal products; sure I made an effort not to eat factory farmed stuff etc, but it still causes suffering and death.



bandwagon jumpers can also be pretty detrimental to the cause I suppose; if they give up meat for a month thats good because it means a couple less animals die...but once they eat meat again they are ex vegans and will inevitably be asked what made them start eating meat again, and naturally whatever reasons they give will make veganism look bad; even if its just a reason like 'it wasnt convinient'

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Very interesting topic. To me a vegan is someone that doesn't use any animal products whatsoever. Whether it's by eating them, wearing them, or buying anything with animal products in them. On another note in this day and age it is nearly impossible to be 100% vegan. I myself could probably do better, as far as cleaning products that I buy, and a few other things, but I do my best everyday. I also think it quite unfair that it can cost so much more to buy organic, and vegan items. I hope that as this world progresses towards a greener outlook that this will no more be so.

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in my mind a vegan is really someone who doesnt get any products at the expense of an animal. So for example someone who eats honey in my mind is still a vegan as so far I dont really see what harm it does to the bees

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