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GMO foods to Avoid (check them out)


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Yes GM companies are bad, I agree. Why are we still mentioning Monsanto? Nike is a bad company, but does that make shoes bad? Wal-mart is a bad company, but does that make all of their products bad? Not at all.


GM companies = bad

GM food = good

Well if you have a issue with a company the best thing you can do is not support that company by not buying products.

I feel like this should be something we can all get behind. We're (well, not me, but others are) still mentioning Monsanto because they're a terrible, unethical company. They're such a horrible company that even if you believe their foods are safe for consumption (which I do), you might still want to avoid them.

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thank for the list Rainra...


I wonder if we can find a list of non-GMO meat substitute companies or products. Especially when feeding my daughter, I would like to be careful and choose wisely whenever possible.


It is unrealistic of me to think I will consume ONLY non-GMO foods forever... but if I'm standing in the store and I see Boca Burgers next to a non-GMO veggie burger substitute for my kid... I'd like to know what the better choice is.


Also... for those posters who think non-GMO foods don't pose any danger or thread... wouldn't it be better to be safe than sorry? With that article about the male species dying off (another thread) mutant animals being conceived on a more regular basis, not to mention the host of new virusis, cancers, etc... it is worth taking a look at. I mean... they're really altering nature... we don't know the full consequences of that yet... but alot of evidence is surfacing that is pointing to this being one of the problems...

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I would assume that genetically modified foods are less nutritious. Many micro-nutrients are produced in plants as responses to outside attacks (pest attacks, draughts, disease etc.) Those chemicals protect the plants from those adverse conditions. There are studies that show that organically grown vegetables and fruits, on average, have more nutrients than non-organically grown ones because they must fend for themselves more, a situation which produces the nutrients. So since genetically modified food is engineered to make plants resistant to these attacks, I would assume the plants produce less of these micro nutrients also. In other words, evolution favored these plants to produce these chemicals, that are our micro-nutrients, in response to adverse conditions. The more you take the adverse conditions away, the less nutritious foods will probably become.

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