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Holding water?

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I am prepping for my first body building contest as a vegetarian. I have competed before on a meat based diet and know pretty much with food and training how my body should react. I am dieting at a rate that should have me losing about 2 pounds a week. Ten days in my body has given up nothing. So I am wondering what is up with that. Am I holding water, do I need to change my cardio, should I cut my rest, etc? What have other competitors who have competed on a vegetarian diet noticed? I am especially interested in those of you who like me have been carnivorous in the past.


Thanks in advance.

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Hoping that the folks in the know will answer you. I'm not a body builder at all, but I hate to see a post unanswered.


Drinking more water flushes water, amazingly. That's one thing.

Some stuff I found around the web.

* Water retention remedies such as eating a well balanced diet and reducing your intake of salt will make a marked difference.

* Drink plenty of water so that the body is well hydrated.

* Exercise regularly, especially by walking, to help pump fluids back into the circulatory system.

* Limit your intake of dehydrating drinks such as coffee, tea and alcohol.

* Increase your intake of vitamin B supplements which are known to be beneficial for water retention.

* Wear support stockings or elastic sleeves to help push fluids back into your circulatory system and help circulation.

* Remember to elevate the affected area when sitting or lying down.



They will want to know what you're eating, specifically.

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