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Linseed / Flaxseed


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Somewhere a long time ago I heard that Flaxseed/Linseed is very good for womens health but not mens.


Ive long forgotten the reasoning but I didnt care, I ate it anyway.


But for the past couple months since Ive started training im being much more weary about my diet. I often feel a lack of testosterone at times and presumed that flax seed must do something with hormones. (totally on founded guess)


So ive been avoiding foods with flax seed which I actually like.


I just looked it up and I can find any information relating to these effects. Mightve the 'thing' I heard long ago been a myth/nonsense?


Would appreciate any info.



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Linseed is spoiled flaxseed used for industrial purposes. large amounts of flax seed oil have been shown to acclerate prostate cancer growth. So does testosterone. Ground flax seeds have been shown to be beneficial to both sexes.


You don't know that you have a testosterone problem until you get your testosterone measured. Get off the web and go to a doctor.

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I wasn't aware that some could "feel testosterone". If you mean you haven't felt energetic and healthy that could be dozens of things. I recommend


1. Get a vegan nutrition book (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13710) and

keep a food diary for a few weeks to make sure you are getting everything you need. Pay particular attention to taking a daily, small sublingual b-12 lozenge. Pay attention to taking 2 tablespoons of GROUND flaxseed daily. Take a dha supplement like Omega 3 zen.


2. Drink 2 quarts of water a day on top of what you drink for workouts. Water, not some other drink.


3. For a few weeks go to bed the same time every night and get adequate sleep.


4. Get vigorous cardio a few times a week.


5. Talk out any problems you with stress with someone. Do a daily relaxation technique.

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