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Is penut butter safe?


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Now reading the China Study, which is about nutrition and the significance of plant-based diet, I was a bit surprised to see the fact that peanut butter is not safe to consume due to its risk of containing aflatoxin.


Anyone has considered about the same or the similar?


Please help me, peanut butter is a good affordable tasty one for this bloke guy!

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I love peanut butter too But I try to avoid it or not to eat too much of it. Not really for the aflatoxin but because peanuts are very acidic to the body, more than any other nuts ( it is healthier to have a more alkaline diet), eventhough it's not really a nut:

In the botanical sense the fruit of the peanut plant is a woody, indehiscent legume and not a nut. The word pea describes the edible seeds of many other legumes in the Fabaceae family, and in that sense, a peanut is a kind of pea.




Peanuts may be contaminated with the mold Aspergillus flavus which produces a carcinogenic substance called aflatoxin. While this substance quickly causes liver cancer in rats, humans are far more resistant.[citation needed] Lower quality specimens, particularly where mold is evident, are more likely to be contaminated.[27]
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