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Mercury why do Nutritionists keep pushing fish... ?


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Here is a nutritionist stating that you should eat salmon and not tuna because there is less mercury. Without even knowing what this nutritionists was going to say I knew she was going to put fish as one of the top superfoods. All animals rights aside this is just plain nonsense. I could careless about the omega 3s that are now probably rancid in the fish but what about mercury? If you gave someone a bottle of mercury even if it was an ounce would they drink it ? NO so why would you eat it even if it is low levels. Nutritionists seem to be on the wrong track. Plus lets add saturated fat and cholesterol. Fish is not a superfood and it is polluted.


plus who needs these mainstream nutritionist anyway. They are like robots spitting the same info. I have heard nothing new from any of them. It is always whole grains, fish, sometimes lean chicken breast. Avoid lots of red meat ... low fat milk, yogurt etc...


That is why I would have a hard time going to a nutrition school because I would be like read the china study read the china study read Dr Essylsten

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I think fish is a healthy choice, specially if it's a choice between various dead animals. Mercury is a concern but not a major one with todays reccomendations. It's not like they tell you to eat fish to every meal. The n3 isn't rancid in fish, at least not frozen fish which most salmon is (at least over here). Most population studies show that higher fish consumption leads to better overall health but that doesn't mean it's "good", just better than red meat for example. However, the nutritionists are talking to the general public and they would def benefit from replacing a lot of their meats with fish.

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The Australian and New Zealand Governments have warned pregnant women to limit their intake of fish, so it would seem that they are taking it seriously. Unfortunately it seems that, dietitians think that Fish is the only easily obtainable food that contains Omega 3 as well as protein and the other good fats and oil, so they recommend people to eat fish with a low mecury content.



If you gave someone a bottle of mercury even if it was an ounce would they drink it ? NO so why would you eat it even if it is low levels.


Just a few things about Mercury.

Mercury occurs in the natural environment in three forms, organic, inorganic and metallic.

The organic form of Mercury is the most Dangerous, in particular Methylmercury.

Methylmercury is the form that is found in Fish, as they pick it up from sediments, where microorganisms have converted Mercury into organic compounds..


Drinking a bottle of Metallic Mercury, although not advisable, probably won't do that much as Metallic Mercury is poorly absorbed by the skin and digestive tract.

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I love learning and I will say that veganism has helped facilitate more about that. One thing I was surprised at was omega-3. I found this out before I was vegan and was a bit surprised. As a native Guamanian, I ate more than my share of fish. I'd have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner some days. I'd eat it raw, rare, and cooked. Then I noticed all these people getting into fish oil, fish oil, fish oil since I work at a supplement store. I knew they wanted it for the omega-3's, but also knew that flax oil provided 3x the amount of omega-3's. We also had an interesting supplement called Chia Pure, which is a brand of chia seed. Wow, are there tons of things in this! More omega-3's than salmon, more calcium than milk, more fiber than bran flakes, more protein than beans.


It's like they're just random people who watch all the afternoon talk shows, write down what's "good" and "bad," then call themselves nutritionists as they regurgitate information.

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