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Target Love Handles??

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Is there anything I can do to target my love handles? They're too big and seem like they are not giving in!


I do HIIT for 20 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of jogging straight after THREE times a week. I weight train 3 times a week too.


I've been on my cardio program for almost 2 months now.


My diet is good as I've cut out alot of my carbs. I eat between 100- 150g carbs a day.



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Been lots of threads here on it, but I'll be the third one in line, spot reduction is a myth and can't be done (except in the case of liposuction). Diet is key - everyone seems to have one last stubborn spot that won't go down as fast as the rest, and it's the final thing you'll see vanishing as you get to low bodyfat levels. Just keep training hard and tweak your diet, and sooner or later you'll get there!

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