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Dude, you rock!!!


I was vehicle free for many years & loved it. We had a decent bus system & I had legs & it was great!


Have you heard that GM, with all their revenue problems, is going to concentrate on SUV's & big trucks the next few quarters. Arghhh!!!! Who the f*%$ is running this company???


Kudos to you, Topher!

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I was vehicle-free for many years as a college student and grad student, relying on mass transit, walking and biking. Now, I live in a small town with no mass transit, and where it is awefully cold in the winter! I do, however, have a Toyota Prius, which is the most environmentally sound car I could find (that is practical for me). Doesn't get the advertisted "city"mileage in a small town , but still pollutes less than any other car I looked at.

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  • 2 weeks later...

congrats! i love being car-free, and it's quite easy in DC. i do just about everything on bicycle, bus or subway. for the rare necessity, there's also car-sharing (in addition to renting).


here are two u.s. car-sharing companies. very cool. but, they don't cover most of the country.




i should add... my new partner has a car, so now i sometimes hitch a ride from her.


if people do drive, please keep your tires properly inflated and don't speed (gas mileage decreases after 55 or 60 mph).

Tips To Improve Your Gas Mileage

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