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Low-Volume, Progressive-Intensity Training

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Hi guys,


During the last week, I was studying the sites from http://www.exrx.net, and yesterday I found an article about "Low-Volume, Progressive-Intensity Training". I think it's really interesting and want to ask for your opinion to this theory.


Some extracts:

The ACSM Weight Training Guidelines state more than one set may elicit slightly greater strength gains but additional improvement is relatively small (ACSM 1995).
Many scientific studies demonstrate one set is almost effective as multiple sets, if not just as effective in strength and muscle hypertrophy (Starkey, Pollock, et. al. 1996).
Intensity is the least forgiving of the three components [intensity, frequency, duration], if intensity is decreased for a time, strength and muscle mass gains will likely deteriorate. Increasing frequency or duration can not make up for a decrease of intensity. Furthermore, intensity will be unintentionally decreased if duration is too great. Each additional set or exercise performed in a workout decreases the amount of weight that can be used. If someone is aware they have yet several sets and many exercises to perform, they will hold back and not put full effort early in the workout.
There is less need to divide the body into as many groups when designing a split program. Each muscle group can be worked with greater frequency, more than just once a week as many high-volume programs force you to perform. In addition, more rest days can be implemented for greater recovery, as in the case of a two day split workout performed 4 days per week.
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I started employing these concepts some time ago and have been experiencing my greatest gains because of them. I only do two sets for each exercise, focus on a few compound lifts, doing full body three times a week, avoiding failure. I pretty much do HST.


The only difference really is that I have been doing it all recently with calisthenics with added weight (through a vest, belt, etc.). Daywalker, when he was into hypertrophy training, employed HST. I heard he is getting back into it to some extent.

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