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Lobsteriffic's Training Log - Oct. 31st Marathon Here I Come

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Wednesday, March 3rd:



5K on treadmill @ 10.7 km/h (28:13)



25 min. swim



green smoothie (spinach, protein powder, flax, frozen fruit, soy milk)

salad (romaine, onion, mushroom, carrot, cucumber, mustard dressing)

leftover tagine, apple

some dark chocolate, strawberries

bbq black-eyed peas, roasted broccoli


some more chocolate


was quite hungry today

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yep the black is badass for sure.


you might not fall with your keos but chances are you will... just remember when you fall not to splay out your arms, thats how so many collarbones get broken. a lot of people recommend to tuck in your arms and head when you go down.


i would say at this point in your bike training,one thing you should concentrate on is form/pedal stroke. that way when you start really adding on power and speed, the form will be preprogrammed into your legs.


jason, you have such good advice. what's your opinion on weight training for legs at this point in the season?






p.s. nice time on that 5k!

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what's your opinion on weight training for legs at this point in the season?


Do it. Do it now while the workouts are easy . Once the intensity gets upped you'll welcome the break.


Keep in mind that our pal lobster is a bit of an extenuating circumstance. If I were racing this year I'd be done with base miles by now looking for that intensity I keep talking about.


She's a hair late to the game for bike racing, and/but she's training for a tri. The two sports are VERY different. I know bikes, I don't know running or swimming.


I have every bit on confidence that you'll do very well, mrs. lobster. Same as anything else, show up and put in the time, and you'll be good at it.

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Thursday, March 4th:



35 min. swim - mostly Total Immersion drills



had a shitty day, came home and took it out on the trainer (60 min. ride)...felt better


later on - abs, push-ups, stretching



green smoothie (spinach, protein powder, flax, frozen fruit, banana); strawberries

salad (romaine, carrot, cucumber, radish, tomato, mustard dressing)

leftover tagine


lemon-herb tofu, kale, orange

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Friday, March 5th:


Deadlifts supersetted with Negative Chins

109 x 5 // BW x 5

119 x 5 // BW x 5

119 x 5 // BW x 5

129 x 5 // BW x 5

129 x 5 // BW x 5


Incline DB Press supersetted with DB Split Squats

27.5 x 8 // 32.5 x 8

27.5 x 8 // 35 x 8

27.5 x 8 // 35 x 8


Stretching, some abs


Diet sucked...fell victim to the siren song of some licorice.


Saturday, March 6th:


6.12 mile run outside (1:12:30)


Took it slow...still lots of ice/slush on the sidewalks. Not to mention the giant lake-puddles. Couldn't help but step in a few of them, feet soaked, developed blister on left foot. Ah well, still felt great to run outside for the first time since autumn.


green smoothie

salad with chickpeas


squash-lentil soup, roasted cauliflower


1 pc. sourdough (husband brought me back a loaf from San Francisco - yay!)


Sunday, March 7th:


80 minute trainer ride



squash-lentil soup, sourdough


2 oranges

chickpea-wild rice soup, sourdough



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6.12 mile run outside (1:12:30)


Took it slow...still lots of ice/slush on the sidewalks. Not to mention the giant lake-puddles. Couldn't help but step in a few of them, feet soaked, developed blister on left foot. Ah well, still felt great to run outside for the first time since autumn.


green smoothie

salad with chickpeas


squash-lentil soup, roasted cauliflower


1 pc. sourdough (husband brought me back a loaf from San Francisco - yay!)


Sunday, March 7th:


80 minute trainer ride



squash-lentil soup, sourdough


2 oranges

chickpea-wild rice soup, sourdough




Ack, I know what it's like accidentally running through puddles and getting blisters! I usually just refuse to run outside until all of our annual spring flooding is over.

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Thanks Viva!


Adena - I know what you mean. It was just so nice out I couldn't help but give outside a try.


Monday, March 8th:


AM: 5.7K on treadmill: 24:26


Noon: 30 min. swim - freestyle



green smoothie


chickpea-rice soup

2 apples

vindaloo veggies & beans, millet


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Tuesday, March 9th:


Things are progressing on the job interview front. I had a phone interview last night for a position in Portland and one this morning for a position in Denver. However, hubby has been offered a post-doc position at Stanford for next year so I am trying really hard to find a position in the bay area. So far I've applied on 10 or so jobs so I guess we'll see what happens. Downside is that the post-doc doesn't pay very well and the bay area is so $$$$.





115 x 5

115 x 5

125 x 5

125 x 5

135 x 2 --> weight was fine on my legs, but I hurt my right wrist...not sure how



75 x 5

80 x 5

80 x 5

85 x 5

85 x 5



105 x 8

105 x 8

105 x 8


Lat Pulldown:

75 x 8

75 x 8

75 x 8


2 miles on treadmill (18:42)


Noon: 30 min. swim, mostly freestyle. Pool was nice and empty, had a lane all to myself.


PM: quick 45 min. trainer ride



green smoothie (spinach, protein powder, flax, frozen fruit, banana)

salad (romaine, carrot, radish, cucumber, mustard dressing)

chickpea-rice soup



chipotle black-eyed peas with steamed chard and mashed sweet potatoes



I was wondering if I was eating too much, but I seem to be leaning out. Pants are fitting more loosely.

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Getting kind of depressed about job situation...which is ridiculous because it's only March and really, I have funding (through school) until August, so it's hardly a big deal at this point. I'm just SO done with being a student after 9 years.


Wednesday, March 10th:


AM: 3.5 mile run (34:26)


Noon: 35 min. swim



green smoothie


leftover black-eyed peas & sweet potato

tortilla chips

some dry corn cereal

pb & crackers

dried pineapple

2 pears


not the best food-wise


Thursday, March 11th:


AM: 30 min. swim


PM: 55 min. trainer ride



green smoothie

vindaloo veggies/beans & millet


more vindaloo veggies/beans & millet

another pear


not much of an appetite today

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I've been doing a bad job keeping this thing up to date:


Friday, March 12th:



Deadlifts supersetted with Neg. Chins:

119 x 5 // BW x 5

119 x 5 // BW x 5

129 x 5 // BW x 5

129 x 5 // BW x 5

129 x 5 // BW x 5


Incline DB Press supersetted with DB Split Squats:

27.5 x 8 // 35 x 8

27.5 x 8 // 35 x 8

27.5 x 8 // 35 x 8


Some ab stuff



45 min. trainer ride


Saturday, March 13th:


Run was a bit of a gong show. Started out feeling a bit queasy but figured it would go away so I kept on going. It got worse. By the time I realized I wasn't getting any better I was a ways from home and had to keep going. Took a couple of walk breaks. Made it 4.68 miles (53:12). After that I had to walk about another mile home. Felt queasy the rest of the day. Didn't eat anything strange...not sure what that was all about.


Sunday, March 14th:


Planned on a trainer ride but it never happened. Rest day.

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