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Carbs and Protiens for muscle building???

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I would like some advice on what percentage of carbs or protien should be in my diet.

I'm interested in buiding mass as well as strength. I have my routines but, I'm more concerned with the kinds of minerals and which kinds of fruits, veggies will optimalize my performance. By the way i try to stay away from supplements but currently just purchased some b-12's that i didn't use yet.


Monday- Chest and Triceps

Tuesday- Back and Biceps

Wednesday- Shoulders and Abs

Thursday- Legs





By Friday I start over w/ chest and put 1 or 2 rest days Saturday and Sunday. I hit the gym at least 5 times a week and I do the training split in this order. I try to just pay attention to how long i'm sore or if any of my joints are hurting. My build is slim and athletic. I'm starting to bulk up more since I've quit cigarettes about 2months now. At 6'3 Im about 190-195lbs. I feel my ideal weight that I would look good @ probably about 210- 220lbs. I'm also 27yrs. old.


Please disect this information and help me refine my training split as well as my diet, I'm on way to becoming a raw vegan I take in about 65% raw, im "guesstimating".

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I'd recommend 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight MINIMUM.


I haven't been here long but from what I've seen many people here suggest 1g per kg so they will not agree... I think that's much too low for a bodybuilder though.


I do wonder how one could get 190g of protein on a raw diet without having carbs/fat go through the stratosphere... but like I said I'm new here and trying to learn more about VEGAN bodybuilding.

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I'd recommend 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight MINIMUM.


Agreed.... minmum! Shoot for 1.5g per lb of protein for naturals. Hit your protein count (protein at EVERY meal). Figure out the caloric intake you need depending on your goals and the carbs and fat fall into place for the remaining cals.

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I'd recommend 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight MINIMUM.


Agreed.... minmum! Shoot for 1.5g per lb of protein for naturals. Hit your protein count (protein at EVERY meal). Figure out the caloric intake you need depending on your goals and the carbs and fat fall into place for the remaining cals.


That sounds good, lucky for me I really don't hold on to fat and for some reason I do well w/ carbs. But I definately have to up my protien intake, maybe? I say this only because Avi Lehyani has a high carb diet and looks ripped but, i guess i'll just have to experiment thanks, Siren

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