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Anyone else have trouble NOT working out!?

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I recently read that better results can be gotten by alternating the days on which one works out, rather than just by working out as much as possible. This is the first day in a while that I've decided to go the whole day without exercising, and I'm surprised at how hard it is. I thought it would be easy NOT to exercise! I keep getting that little tingling feelings in my upper arms and it's making me really, really want to at least to some push ups or pull ups or lifting or crunches or SOMETHING to satisfy my craving. I keep thinking, "Ah, come on now, just a little (insert exercise here) can't hurt." For some time I've been working out every day, often twice per day, and the funny thing is that I thought I was forcing myself to work out when I really didn't want to but now that I'm not working out I'm having to force myself to be sedentary. (I did take a walk this morning but it was pretty slow so I'm not really sure it can count as "exercise." I love walking and don't feel the same without spending some time outside. But part of me just wants to go and run, run, run until I'm out of breath.)


Has anyone else ever experienced this on off days?

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For sure. On my off day (Wednesday) I find myself itching to lift but have to remind myself its my day off. Haha. Working out in the morning has the same affect. By the end of the day I feel like I want to lift again...which I am going to try. Hopefully I don't kill myself lifting twice a day.

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After taking yesterday off, I found that today I wasn't able to do as well as usual. Now I'm left wondering if alternating days is really such a good idea...

Doing the exact same exercise as two days ago? You probably shouldn't be doing the same things on consecutive days anyway. Maybe try some demanding cardio on those alternate days?


The whole taking a week off thing never works for me, I always come back weaker and more easily fatigued. I could see that happening for taking a day off as well.

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The whole taking a week off thing never works for me, I always come back weaker and more easily fatigued. I could see that happening for taking a day off as well.


Orly? Interesting. In this article, it's said that:


1) Going hard all the time never, ever, works;

2) Your muscles and joints need a break;

3) Sometimes you get stronger by not training;

4) Training is a marathon, not a sprint (which, basically, means that taking some time off is usually beneficial in the long-run for multiple reasons).


Personally, I've found that taking a week or two off works really well for me. I remember going without lifting for about a week once, then coming back and easily nailing a 10kg+ Bench PB. And although training less and gaining more seems counterintuitive for a lot of people, it works pretty damn well in most cases. However, everybody IS different, so if taking breaks does not work for you, I reckon there's no reason to ever stop going balls-to-the-wall.

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Could you not do a different form of exercise on alternate days?


That way you are resting from weights but still getting your exercise hit.


Depends what other exercise may appeal to you and what (potential negative) effect and impact it has on your weight training.

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I'm still doing cardio on off days, but I still feel that tingling in my upper arms that makes me want so badly to do some kind of exercise for them. Does anyone else get that?


With all the conflicting information out there, it's hard to know what's really best. In any case, I'll be starting a pretty intense work out regimen on Wednesday (giving the iwantsixpackabs.com program a try - even though I don't really care so much about abs, it looks like a good program in general) so I thought based on the article's advice I might rest my arms until then, though I did do some push ups yesterday.

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If you want to train on your off days, most likely you don't kick your own ass hard enough during on days


I go until my body says no, then I keep going until my body forces me to stop because it's worn out. Is that not "kicking my own ass" hard enough?

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I go until my body says no, then I keep going until my body forces me to stop because it's worn out. Is that not "kicking my own ass" hard enough?


As chewybaws said, "as the weights get considerably heavier I'm sure it won't bother me as much". I was also very much tempted to lift on my off days when I was still a beginner, but that ceased to be an issue after about 6 or so months.

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I'm sure you know that lifting every day would be detrimental to your gains/results, so maybe look at it that way.


Make sure your muscles are nice n rested so you are extra motivated and can hit the gym hard on your weights days.

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