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on coconut oil...


http://www.naturodoc.com/library/nutrition/coconut_oil_healthy.htm short article


http://www.treelight.com/health/nutrition/CoconutOil.html long article



This book is amazing. Read a good chunk of it right there for free.


It is not a fad diet book, nor is it pseudoscience. It is not long, and it is easy to digest You will learn more than you cared to know about how fats and oils really work in our body (let it be known that labeling a fat mono, poly, or saturated is not enough to know whether it's good or bad for you), how the American Soybean Association (ASA), the Corn Products Company (CPC International), and the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) destroyed the reputation of coconut oil using faulty science and propaganda, and the many uses of coconut oil (immune defense, weight-loss, quickly metabolized, long-lasting energy source... the list goes on and on)


IDK how many times I've come across someone talking about coconut oil on various forums like they know what they are talking about. Coconut oil is a godsend. I eat more than 70oz a month. Coconut oil is 95% saturated fat, yet in 6 months I have shoveled tub after tub down without the slightest detriment to my health. It gives me energy all day and curbs my appetite.


I know this all sounds very counter-intuitive, well it sounds outright crazy, but please do yourself the favor of at least doing the research for yourself so that you don't have to miss out on this beautiful nugget of knowledge.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is stupid. Coconut oil is not and will never be a health food. Living an active lifestyle allows you to eat it without much or any harm to your body. Calling it healthy only works if you compare it to other oils that aren't healthy either. If you want to argue for coconut meat that is a whole different story where I guess we could agree more but coconut oil is not healthier than sugar. It's pure energy that gives you some FAs that have shown special functions but that you can easily get from whole food sources instead.

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This is stupid. Coconut oil is not and will never be a health food. Living an active lifestyle allows you to eat it without much or any harm to your body. Calling it healthy only works if you compare it to other oils that aren't healthy either. If you want to argue for coconut meat that is a whole different story where I guess we could agree more but coconut oil is not healthier than sugar. It's pure energy that gives you some FAs that have shown special functions but that you can easily get from whole food sources instead.


I agree

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