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Obama's Wars Trigger New Activists

Vegan Joe

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For all those blushing, head in the sand, holding your cheeks folk. Time to get up and look around, and remember how you felt back in November, and how you were trying belittling people by calling them all kinds of names, who kept telling you "no he isn't".




The election of Barack Obama to the Presidency has highlighted the foreign policy double standard that the activists on the left end of the political spectrum have exhibited, or should one say not exhibited, towards the President's war-centric foreign policy.


Obama is following the McCain plan for Iraq, doubling the U.S. forces in Afghanistan in addition to sharply increasing the number of private contractors operating in that region and bombing Pakistan on a regular basis. Yet, all of these actions, which in prior years would have been decried by those who consider themselves liberals/progressives, have seemingly fallen off the radar of the left-wing grassroots activists.


The Netroots Nation, an alliance of liberal activists, held their annual convention on August 13-16 in Pittsburgh which featured "the most concentrated gathering of progressive bloggers to date." Surprisingly, the issue of ending the multiple conflicts the United States is actively engaged in, which was such a big topic from prior years, was barely a blip on the agenda. Byron York, writing for the Washington Examiner, states: "Not too long ago, with a different president in the White House, the left was obsessed with America's wars. Now, they're not even watching."


But does this mean that the antiwar movement in America is dead? Some political observers feel that the time is long past due for a political realignment to oppose Obama's wars. John V. Walsh, writing for Antiwar.com, passionately argues that activists from the right ...

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I truly feel as if we are living out Orwell's vision. It is almost like the powers that be are modeling reality off of his ideas. No one even knows who the enemy is. Is it the Taliban or is it Al qaeda or is just who ever they pick for the time being. Why are we increasing troop levels in the middle east and Latin America. I was at the Airport yesterday and about every 15 min the intercom reminded everyone that the homeland security dept would like us to stay vigilant. What does that even mean? Stay vigilant? I think that most people if you ask them will tell you that Obama has pulled most of our troops from the middle east and that Gitmo has been shut down not mention who won American Idol and So you think you can dance.

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