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Everything posted by AdamKristopher

  1. Neither is driving as many tires and roads have animal bits in them. That isn't true, please don't spread misinformation. Misinformation that can make people sick and possibly even kill them. I don't put the tires and roads inside my body. Here is a a good read about Vitamin D... http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/51913.php
  2. I don't like the idea of mandated vaccines, but I don't think President Obama's speech even implied that. I work for an organization that has been partially involved in the effort to develop a swine flu organization. It can kill you. Even if you are young and healthy. It is extremely contagious. I'm going to get a vaccine because I don't think a bit of paranoia about vaccines is worth risking my life over. I'm going to get the vaccine because I think it would be irresponsible of me to risk getting it and then spreading it to other people who I could infect and kill. Including loved one. THE VACCINE IS NOT VEGAN! Getting some sunshine and taking a nice D vitamin should keep you pretty safe from the virus. VEGAN VITAMIN D POWER
  3. The only swine flu I have experienced wears a uniform and enforces statutes to generate funds for the corporation they work for... "Yeah, I definitely smell a pork product of some type. Yeah, yeah. I know what you're doing. Bacon, pig, oink-oink, police officer. I said that to cops when I was your age."
  4. I truly feel as if we are living out Orwell's vision. It is almost like the powers that be are modeling reality off of his ideas. No one even knows who the enemy is. Is it the Taliban or is it Al qaeda or is just who ever they pick for the time being. Why are we increasing troop levels in the middle east and Latin America. I was at the Airport yesterday and about every 15 min the intercom reminded everyone that the homeland security dept would like us to stay vigilant. What does that even mean? Stay vigilant? I think that most people if you ask them will tell you that Obama has pulled most of our troops from the middle east and that Gitmo has been shut down not mention who won American Idol and So you think you can dance.
  5. If you go raw. I recommend doing a low fat raw diet. Most raw food diet are extremely high in fat and not good for you. you should read the 80 10 10 diet by Dr. Doug Graham. Its very interesting and a quick read.
  6. Cottonseed oil has been linked to reduced sperm count in some studies. I say stay away from it anyways. Cotton is not a food crop and its seeds or oil from its seeds should not be put in our bodies. There is not a benefit to consuming that evil oil.
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