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SPROUTS! RAW Super-Food!


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Has anyone ever heard of sprouts? I have made the decision to share this knowledge in this forum.


Not many people are aware of sprouts, and how age reversing, and health promoting they are.


Sprouts are largely consumed by many raw-vegans, mainly for their health-promoting benefits.


Sprouts are very inexpensive and can be grown by anyone willing to learn the technique of growing them.


All you need is to watch videos on making them, buy some organic sprouting seeds, and a device that will grow them.


The cheapest growing device is simply a mason jar with a filter-top that allows you to easily drain and rinse the seeds frequently.


Once the sprouts are developed they can be consume in sandwiches, salads, stiry-frys, or as a snack.


There is plenty of information on google about sprouts and their AMAZING health benefits. There are also many upon many videos on google that gives sped-by-step intructions on how to grow your own organic sprouts.


Sprouts are fully of amino acids, high-quality muscle building protein, living enzymes, and vitamins.


There has been alot of controversy on whether it is safe to consume sprouts. But after all of the research that I have done, is to make sure to buy 100% organic sprouting seeds which ensures they are free from bacteria contamination. If they seeds are contaminated at all there is a great chance that this bacteria can greatly grow during the sprouting phase.


So if you want to learn more sprouting and it's health benefits, do some extensive study on google, watch many videos on google, and MAKE SURE THE SEEDS ARE ORGANIC.


I wish you all perfect health and happyness.

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I first heard about sprouting in the Thrive Diet book. I spotted a sprouts pack (think it was organic) in a health food store last week so I might give it a go sometime!


The best thing is to grow your own organic sprouts. When you grow your own sprouts you know that they are organic and you can ensure safety by growing them properly. To grow them properly you should do some studying on how to grow them safely. I have recently ordered 30$ worth of organic sprouting grains and seeds. I have about 12 mason jars and alot fo cheese cloth which I will use to sprout them.


Sproutpeople.com is an awesome site for extensive advise. Check them out if you want. My seeds and grains should arrive in 2 days and I will let you know how they go.



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I will post here how the process goes, how the sprouts tastes, and if they make me feel heathier by consumption. I have watched a few videos on youtube on sprouting and it seems like a rather easy process. I personally think it's well worth the effort, due to the fact of the inexpensiveness and how much nutrition you get for little effort.

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One needs to be 'careful' when labelling certain foods as "superfood" or similar.

The term probably stems from the fact that where animal based eating causes so many chronic ills, plant foods as a comparison, really does feel like a superfood.


Having eaten only plant foods for the past 15 years, I always feel energised but to me, no one plant food gives me more strength or energy than the other. They are pretty much all at the top level anyway. The way all of us here eat.


Best of health & safe training to everyone

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I think the term "superfood" gives merchants an excuse to jack up the price on that particular food. I remember the latest craze was pomegranate. Now it's the acai berry. Kale has tons of antioxidants and I can buy a whole clump of it for 99 cents at the grocery. However, it tastes lousy.. So I just grind it up in smoothies. But it really has a lot of health benefits.


I've never bought blue-green algae, or any exotic foods either. My favorite "energizing" food would have to be a big spinach salad with peppers and mushrooms. Bananas are good too.

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I actually talked to the "Sprout Man" http://www.sproutman.com/ when I was in Boston and we chatted for a while on sprouts. The lot number on the bag has a lot to do with the seeds you get. With the lot number they can trace and almost determine if the seeds will mold or not or if they will come out with quality....



He also stated that sprouting jars were not ideal because you need constant airflow coming to the seedlings, which a tall jar doesnt provide except for one opening.


He also had some awesome hydroponic "green grower" which wasnt a bad price(under $100 i think)


He answered a lot of questions I had and problems I encountered while trying to sprout certain seeds and was a super cool guy.

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Yo guys just here to update on my process of sprouting some seeds!


Just recently had tons of college work thrown at me, still lots to go. Can't wait in about a week and a half I get a nice 3 week holiday.


Just got my order of sprouting seeds and grains about yesterday or the day before. Just now I'm starting. Did some reading on how to sprout, it all seems pretty simple. Right now I just have 2 jars going. In one jar Im soaking red clover and in the other alfalfa; their both organic and made for sprouting. I do wish I had a sprouter but can't really afford one right now, mason jars will do the trick until then. When I wake up I have to drain the bath water outta both of em and rinse then slowly drain the rinsing water. Then I rinse both the seeds again once tomorrow, or twice if I have the time. And I repeat the process of rinsing and letting em drain while the mason jar is slanted so they get some air, for about 4 or 5 days until they are done sprouting. These damn things are 35% protein!, I'm gonna be eatin these damn sprouts every day, I can make salad dressings out of them, put them in sandwiches, salads, its amazing, or eat em like they are.


Ill keep yo guys posted on how I think about these sprouts!


Good luck all! Wish you all perfect health and fitness

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This morning my quinoa and buckwheat groat sporuts finished. Right in the morning I mixed both sprouts with some raisins, brown sugar, warm water (which I had almond or rice milk), and a chopped banana. Does it ever taste fantastic! The sprouts gave me a real satisfying effect on my hunger. It also feels as if the sprouts fill my 'protein' hunger. My alfalfa sprouts are very close to finishing. In a short while Im going to make myself a huge spinach salad with alfalfa sprouts on it too. The things taste so damn fresh and good. Plus they make me feel very energetic afterwards. Sprouts will definately be a main staple in my mostly raw food diet now. They are now a must have for me.


Well about 1.5 hours ago I had a green smoothie with Kale, Parsley, Ginger, Organic Gala Apple, Strawberries, a Kiwi, and a nice big handful of my Sprouted Buckwheat Groats. Such an energy booster! The sprouts really added a nice texture and taste to the smoothie.


I want to make some granola out of them soon especially.

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