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health debate: johan, help!

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I'm in a stupid facebook debate. This guy is saying that there are simple and cmplex proteins... And we'll die without both. I've never heard this, but regardless this guy is wrong in saying veganism will kill us. He also says eating junk food is like getting a flu shot. Lol. Anyway I'm almost sure this was copied and pasted from somewhere but I can't decipher it at all. I know you have a comeback for this. (That I will politely steal


"Homomultmeric and heteromultimeric proteins" is simply expalined-The subunits of a multimeric protein may be identical as in a homomultimeric protein or different as in a heteromultimeric protein. The voltage-gated potassium channels in the plasma membrane of a neuron are heteromultimeric proteins composed of four of forty known alpha subunits. Subunits must be of the same subfamily to form the multimeric protein channel. The tertiary structure of the channel allows ions to flow through the hydrophobic plasma membrane. Connexons are an example of a homomultimeric protein composed of six identical connexins. A cluster of connexons forms the gap-junction in two neurons that transmit signals through an electrical synapse.




Thanks guys!

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Well yes we would die if we don't have both homomultmeric and hetermultmeric proteins of course but that's not a dietary question. The function of dietary protein is to give us amino acids so we can make our own human protein and it doesn't matter if the amino acids comes from a multisubunit protein, a short peptide chain or in free form as long as we get all the essential ones. I'm not sure if I understood your post correct, did he talk about these things or does he use the terms "complex" and "simple" to describe different proteins? And yeah the text is copied from http://wapedia.mobi/en/Multiprotein_complex

If he thinks veganism will kill us he's proably not worth your time because he obviously isn't intrested in the truth, science or fact at all.

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You are right about copying and pasting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiprotein_complex


I am not Johan, but what this guy is saying about needing complex proteins is complete bullshit. That block of text he copied and pasted is just talking about the protein structure of neurons. Your body doesn't use proteins, it uses amino acids, and it makes proteins out of them. Any complex protein will be broken down by pepsin, acids, etc. and its level of complexity will have no bearing on how your body uses it. The amino acid profile is all that is important, and it is well-established that the amino acid profile of a vegan diet is adequate. Given the right mix of essential amino acids, your body can make any protein it needs.

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"Homomultmeric and heteromultimeric proteins" is simply expalined-The subunits of a multimeric protein may be identical as in a homomultimeric protein or different as in a heteromultimeric protein. The voltage-gated potassium channels in the plasma membrane of a neuron are heteromultimeric proteins composed of four of forty known alpha subunits. Subunits must be of the same subfamily to form the multimeric protein channel. The tertiary structure of the channel allows ions to flow through the hydrophobic plasma membrane. Connexons are an example of a homomultimeric protein composed of six identical connexins. A cluster of connexons forms the gap-junction in two neurons that transmit signals through an electrical synapse.



Tell him that he's awfully smart for not knowing how to spell explained.

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"Homomultmeric and heteromultimeric proteins" is simply expalined-The subunits of a multimeric protein may be identical as in a homomultimeric protein or different as in a heteromultimeric protein. The voltage-gated potassium channels in the plasma membrane of a neuron are heteromultimeric proteins composed of four of forty known alpha subunits. Subunits must be of the same subfamily to form the multimeric protein channel. The tertiary structure of the channel allows ions to flow through the hydrophobic plasma membrane. Connexons are an example of a homomultimeric protein composed of six identical connexins. A cluster of connexons forms the gap-junction in two neurons that transmit signals through an electrical synapse.



Tell him that he's awfully smart for not knowing how to spell explained.


That is awesome. The only part he actually types, he messes up.

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thanks guys! I think he was embarrassed that i sourced the site he copied and pasted. haha. and he had nothing to sya after your explainations. So, thank you. also, the way you explained it, even i undertstand it and yes, his exact terms were "simple and complex proteins". moron.


I ended a Facebook debate one of my friends was in about veganism with one post. The guy said there are seven amino acids we need for our brains and the rest of our bodies, which are contained in large amounts in pork and beef, but lacking in plants, among several other stupid things. Once actual data was brought into the argument, he shut up. Real data is the shit.

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Real data is the shit.


Why isn't everyone like you cubby??

Muahaha +1


Because the balance of the universe requires a particular ratio of rationality to irrationality, and to disturb that ratio would cause the universe to implode. Simple physics. I have the data to back this up.

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