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Ed Bauer vs. Jimi Sitko April 2010 - I'd love to see this!


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That is the problem with some natural bodybuilding organizations. They have too many shows therefore get small turnouts because there are like 100 to choose from. Other natural organizations only have a few or small number of events like the one we traveled to in AZ last year. They get a better turnout.


I want natural bodybuilding to stay around, but the fact is NPC shows are bigger and usually more fun.


I'll look into other events around that time. Sucks it has been postponed. It has been canceled on me before, this same one, and almost was last year too. It was small last year just me vs. Giacomo in one division.


Ed has been working hard too....bummer for everyone! I'll see what I can find.

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Cool, good to know.


Natural bodybuilding organizations still bother me. I want to support them, but so often they cancel shows or have tiny ones. I know it's a hard thing to get off the ground but I think they should focus more of their efforts in other areas to recruit more participants for specific shows, rather than one every weekend, many which just get canceled and don't really exist.


Ed wants to do a Natural show so I'll keep my eyes open for that.


Emerald is one of the toughest shows in the Country. I go to watch each year. It's huge, and gets thousands of spectators too.


I forgot to check when that event was, I go nearly every year and have been at least 4 times, maybe 5.


We filmed there last year.


Best of luck with your show! Wish I could be there to watch it, but I'll be on the West Coast.

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  • 2 months later...

They didn't compete head to head in Portland like I had hoped since the Portland competition got canceled but they both competed, in different states and both won 1st place!


Amazing work gentlemen!


So proud of both of you! 2 More Champion Vegan Bodybuilders, adding to a growing list!


Ed Bauer:







Jimi Sitko:





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They didn't compete head to head in Portland like I had hoped since the Portland competition got canceled but they both competed, in different states and both won 1st place!


Amazing work gentlemen!


So proud of both of you! 2 More Champion Vegan Bodybuilders, adding to a growing list!


Ed Bauer:







Jimi Sitko:










WOW!!!!!!Damm good job guys!!big props!!

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