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Former marathon runner now disabled learning to adapt


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Hi everyone!


My name's Christine, I'm 27 5'4" and weight 220lbs. I've been vegan for 12 years. For the past 3 years my health has been on a downward spiral. I've been in and out of a wheelchair, had adverse side effects of medication which have led to a lot of weight gain. 6 months ago my partner left me and I'm trying to recover but have no support.


I'm receiving SSI and have been having a hard time finding a decent doctor who takes medicaid. medicaid will pay for pain medication rather than physical therapy which means I have to figure out how to treat myself.


When I was healthy I was very active I was a runner, hiker/backpacker, cyclist. Now I'm nothing I've lost all my friends, I've replaced activities with TV and compulsive eating. I've lost a lot of muscle and gained 90 lbs. This isn't the body I know, its new and I don't know how to work with it. When I was healthy I would just do an hour on the treadmill to burn calories, but I can't do that anymore and need advice on how to adapt.


I'm so out of shape I fear normal exercise will injury me more. However I am determined to get back in shape and lose this weight. I looking to find support, advice, inspiration to help me with my recovery.




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Hey Christine!


Welcome to our community. I think you'll find our community to be very supportive, caring, nurturing, etc. That is how I see it and it has been a great community for me to be part of over the years.


I look forward to hearing about your progress and your success.


Thank you for joining our online family.


All the best!



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I would take a look at Dr Fuhrmans site. http://drfuhrman.com He has had success with unorthodox situations. If you have check him out and it wasnt for you. I dont know anything about your pain levels so some generic device. I would start by putting the wheel chair on a treadmill and going from there. I am presuming it is a manual wheelchair. You are familiar with the treadmill and that is a good place to start. The gym should let you do that. Also the pool, if the gym has one, for "Spaz" swimming. Get some floats for your legs if they are bothering you. Dont worry about swimming efficiently just swim quickly. Do all the strokes. Definately the diet will be the most important. Cubby on the forum speaks real well about the Dr Fuhrman forums in the member center, he is a member I am not. Dr McDougall is good too. http://www.drmcdougall.com/ But i dont know if he has worked with such extreme things.

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