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The Amish don't get autism


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People outside the alternative health community are often confused by the lack of autism in the Amish people. The Amish do not experience autism, or any of the other learning disabilities that plague our technological society. The Amish live in a society that consists of outdated technologies and ideals, by contemporary standards. Their diet consists of eating organic, fresh, locally-grown produce, and of course, they do not follow the established vaccination routines. To the dismay of the mainstream media and the medical establishment, this has resulted in a healthier people, that are void of all chronic diseases. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are virtually non-existent in Amish villages. Equally non-existent are modern, chemically-engineered medicines, enhanced (chemically-engineered) foods, G.M.O. foods, and of course, vaccines. How is it that those who are without the "miracles" of modern orthodox medicine are so extremely healthier? The truth about health, medicine, and how they both relate to the Amish is becoming an embarrassment to some rather powerful people.


There have been 3 (yes three) known cases of autism in the Amish, and at least two of those children were vaccinated. No information is available for the third. The strong correlation between vaccinations and autism is absolutely undeniable, unless you work for the medical establishment, the government, or Big Media. Proponents of the status-quo claim that the Amish obviously have a special super gene that makes them immune to autism. They pathetically try to rationalize that autism is some type of genetic failure (i.e. God's fault), which attacks a brain based on religious affiliation. We're tentatively expecting a space alien theory next, in a similar vein to the aliens theory used to attack those who believe in a Creator. It truly is F.D.A. and A.M.A. science in all its shining glory. Vaccine proponents are willing to espouse any ridiculous explanation, so long as they do not have to accept that their entire industry of vaccinations is causing chronic disease, leaving autism for 1 in every 100 children now. (Cont.)

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Blaming the health woes of modern America on the medical system makes as little sense as claiming the Amish have "super genes". The reason they're so healthy - and diabetes free, for example - is because they live active lifestyles and eat as healthily as any person could. The average American is sedentary and eats atrocious foods.


As for the link between vaccinations and autism, the original 1998 article in the Lancet making the link has been completely discredited, as it was recently discovered that the author hand-picked (and paid) his participants, was bankrolled by lawyers hoping to sue companies that produce vaccines, performed certain tests without approval from his hospital's ethics board, and importantly, that he held a patent on a competing measles vaccine in the UK.


Now, that's not to say there can't be a link, but that the credibility of that paper in the Lancet is absolutely terrible. Now consider this: parents in the UK, fearing all the talk in the media that that paper produced, started holding off on MMR vaccinations for their kids, and in the last 10 years, the UK has experienced the first wave of child deaths from measles in decades.


We need credible data to show exactly how high the risk of autism really is, if there is one at all. Because this we DO know: don't vaccinate your kids, and some will die. You need reliable data - if 1 in 1,000,000 kids will get autism, while 1 in 10,000 will die of measles if nobody is vaccinated, then it is still important to vaccinate all children. Right now, there is absolutely no data convincing enough to tell us that it's worth letting kids die over anecdotal evidence saying there MIGHT be a risk of autism.

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