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Do you think drugs are safe?


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I try to avoid medication. I don't take anything for headaches, colds, viruses, flu, and other mild irritations. I used to have quite serious asthma, and although it's almost gone, now and then I do get short of breath and I take an inhaler for that. When I am older if I eventually deteriorate and have all kinds of serious problems with my body, we'll see what I do about it. If you're really suffering, it's difficult to not take medication to solve it, and it's not just a matter of 'being healthy'. My brother had to have surgery on his stomach due to a chronic illness he has, and of course had to have anaesthetic and then pain relief after the operation, which are drugs. It wasn't because he's unhealthy or any other reason, just that he was suffering and had to have something done about it

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My medicine cabinet has Advil & Excedrin. I rarely get headaches, but I'm a real sissy when I do.


I just finished a 10 day antibiotic for strep throat. I hate taking antibiotics, but in this case, it was needed. I also take bc pills, cuz although I am totally in favor of choice, that is not a choice I want to make. I realize bc pills are powerful drugs & there are probably reprecussions we are not even aware of, but I've had no problems with them & they are my bc method of choice.


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My family depended on kanpo yaku and did not use harmful drugs with side effect.

When I had skin problem, my grandmother boiled weed(if my memory serves me correctly I think name of weed was 'dokudami') and made me to drink liquid.

Needless to say, my skin cleared like magic in less than several days.

In my opinion, Chinese Medicine is superior to modern drugs with harmful side effects.

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I take presciption drugs as necessary, but usually don't see doctors unless it's something that's really not going to fix itself.

I occasionally but not often use OTC pain killers.

I like to drink.

I've been known to take prescription pain killers with the alcohol.

I don't know how to smoke anything. True story, the boys have tried to teach me but it just makes my lungs hurt.

I'm pretty neutral on other things. Don't really do them, don't really care.

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I've been known to take prescription pain killers with the alcohol.

this is a completely north american phenomena.


Well that's where I am, so....


I had quite a stock pile of Vicodin, among other things, from my knee surgeries and wisdom teeth, that I didn't use when I was actually in pain. I sold a lot of it, and the rest made some long days at work a little more tolerable. Vodka cran + vicodin definitely speeds up a shitty day at work.


I wouldn't buy it for that purpose, but if someone has them, they can be pleasant.

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what's that mirynol shit you guys have... synthesised terahyrdrocannibinol delta9... some crack head kids in the bay area gave me some one day... same as getting stoned..pretty lame but kinda novel.

is that an OTC thing in cali?

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what's that mirynol shit you guys have... synthesised terahyrdrocannibinol delta9... some crack head kids in the bay area gave me some one day... same as getting stoned..pretty lame but kinda novel.

is that an OTC thing in cali?


THC? synthesized? no, that's definitely not OTC. I don't even know how you would get it. I think it's being researched in cancer treatments, but that doesn't seem like something with a wide availability.

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What is Marinol ® ?


Marinol capsMarinol ® (dronabinol) is laboratory synthesized THC. The THC in Marinol ® is about the same as the THC found in marijuana, but it is produced synthetically to provide a pharmaceutically pure drug in a measured dose with proven clinical studies. Dronabinol contains just one of the more than 60 cannabinoids in the marijuana plant, many of which may contribute to its beneficial effects. But unlike marijuana, which is illegal under U.S. federal law, dronabinol provides a standardized THC concentration and is free of impurities such as leaves, bacteria and mold spores.


This is not an endorsement for this product, just information in case someone in your family or someone you know is taking this drug for medicinal reasons. (Never take another person's medication). Marinol® has been studied for a number of different medical conditions. It is currently approved by the FDA for TWO uses: for the treatment of loss of appetite associated with weight loss in patients with AIDS. The second is for nausea and vomiting in patients receiving cancer chemotherapy whom are not responsive to other methods of treating nausea. Yes, sometimes marijuana is given by physicians for glaucoma and then it is smoked

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Aaah, ok, obviously not something i'm familiar with. If it's available as prescription of course it's available for fun


I imagine then, it's similar to getting stoned? Minus the smoking....I can actually see that being somewhat appealing, smoking anything is a turn off to me.

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getting stoned is a bit too awesome for me.

I've never noticed 'awesome' people to be any more partial to marijuana than anyone else, but what do I know. It's never particularly appealed to me.

Except perhaps, in the synthesized form you brought up. That's far more intriguing.

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I love a good joint on a Friday night. Knock back 3 quick shots of tequila, smoke a joint -- oh my -- the perfect high -- well second to looking great, that is!


Now if I could just find a dealer!


How funny, I don't smoke it but know plenty of dealers, and you do but don't. Irony

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