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I have a BIG problem. rugby/getting big/and sorta marathons.

Jason X

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How's the rugby going?I like league over union but their kind of similar.Nothings more moral boosting to a team then a huge tackle from a kickoff.I use to sprint down and collide sonnybill williams style with the prop whenever i had enough adrenalin going.Didn't always come off best though lol.


That functional strength thing was funny but my cousin is a lot more muscly than me and lifts more and yet i out wrestle him all the time.All i do is free weights with 1 or 2 cable things in there and he trains at a gym so i'd say he uses cables a lot more.He told me he doesn't even do squats so maybe that is my advantage.

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Looks like you managed to get rid of another forum member johan.You have to stop doing that.


If someone acts like a stupid bitch I prefer if that person leaves this forum, it gets a bit hmm less bitchy around here which I consider to be a good thing. Go drink some articially sweetened fluroide-rich drink and shut up.

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Johan, I consider your elipses to be far more inappropriate and rude than any of the other comments in this thread. It was a total douchebag move and entirely intended to ridicule what mary said. You can deny that if you wish, but I imagine I'm not the only one that feels that way.


Besides, Ellie came in here (this thread and this forum) to help and be helped. There is no reason for you to be a dick to her, or anyone else on here.


I just don't understand your thought process here. Unless you're a teenager, or something.


But seriously. Don't be a dick, and if you feel the need to be a dick, stay out of my topics, and I'll stay out of yours. This is ridiculous.

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I'm not taking it personally or getting caught up in a flame war. It was probably because of me posting about crossfit. Many people in the industry are against it and they are entirely entitled to their opinion. For me and for the many that I train I've seen life changing results from the programming. Real fitness not just strength or endurance. As I stated in my original post I'm more than willing to help anyone interested in it. I think everything has its place and was not putting down any other system by the comment. Just offering Jason an option he may not have known about as well as offering my help to him if he wanted it.

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Johan, I consider your elipses to be far more inappropriate and rude than any of the other comments in this thread.


I'm glad you shared your opinion about my posts, now I will share some of my thoughts on your posts.


In this thread you asked for advice and wanted to know if a higher food intake would compensate for the calories you burn during cardio sessions and the effect that cardio has. I replied because I wanted to help since you had got it kinda wrong. I might have used some weird words but I still finished it with a very direct and truthful sentence that actually answered your question alone.


Allthough there probably are ways to minimize the "damage" simply increasing your food intake won't cut it.


My reply didn't take long to write, maybe 3-4 minutes, but still that was 3-4 minutes of my day that I took to help you understand why cardio can be bad for strength gains. And this is pretty much accepted as "truth". You saw the studies I posted in the other thread etc.

Your response to my effort of help was simply that you didn't understand and "the stuff you're doing now seems to be working". I never implied that whatever you're doing wasn't going to work, I just corrected your faulty thinking that calories is all that is needed to compensate for cardio. I basically figured you didn't really read my response properly (or you simply can't read) and when someone takes the time to try and help you it's pretty damn "rude" (like you say) not to take the time to listen/read.


Moving forward regarding other "rude" stuff.

In the thread about mTOR, AMPK, sprinting etc you ask what we are studying and both Cubby and I reply with jokes. Big mistake of us because that was obviously a

Waste of my fucking time.

Yeah, your precious time dude. Sorry for wasting it, obviously it is extremely important since you can't take the time to read answers to your questions or read a joke or two.

I guess I know what you think is rude about my posts and behaviour but I hope you can see what's rude in yours. Can't you learn to take a fucking joke?


It was a total douchebag move and entirely intended to ridicule what mary said. You can deny that if you wish, but I imagine I'm not the only one that feels that way.


No not really, it was a joke. Sure it was a joke at her cost (and the rest of the crossfit community) but I'm pretty sure she can handle it. I'm sorry that you can't.


Besides, Ellie came in here (this thread and this forum) to help and be helped.


Yes and so did I.


There is no reason for you to be a dick to her, or anyone else on here.


Takes one to know one right?

However If you look back at the thread (and what you yourself wrote) I was making a joke on MaryStellas cost which the Moondog replied to and overreacted waaaaay too much. I replied to the accusation about me being hateful with a pretty darn non-hating post. Yeah I used a lot of sarcasm but I think it's pretty freaking funny when someone feels the need to share their thought about leaving a forum because it's so filled with hatred (which, as I explained, is a big misunderstanding).

Then moondog starts rambling on about me trying to attack something because I don't want a real conversation? Really? My first post was pretty much fucking on topic and I would love to have a real convertsation about real things. I was not looking for something to attack. Then she goes on by putting words in my mouth and and blabbing about shit I have no idea where it's coming from.

Despite that post I actually reply polite but when she continues to insult me. put words in my mouth I realize something: She's a stupid bitch that isn't worth my time. That's when I start being rude foh realz. If you really read your new best friend Ellies post you will probably see that she is damn rude too. Hey maybe I'm a bit more rude but is that really the point? Who is the most rude of all people? Wouldn't it be better if everyone (including me, you and moondog) was just polite? Yes it would, so stop being so damn judgemental and take a look in the mirror.


I just don't understand your thought process here. Unless you're a teenager, or something.


This is not rude at all. This is extremely polite. I don't understand how you can't understand the mTOR signaling pathway. Unless you're a tard or something. See what I did there? Was that very "not-rude"? Again, take a look in the mirror.


But seriously. Don't be a dick, and if you feel the need to be a dick, stay out of my topics, and I'll stay out of yours.


But sersiouly, I really really really REALLY think you are being the dick.

Judgemental: check

Thinks he knows better than other dudes: check

Puts words in other peoples mouth: check

Can't take a joke: check


This is ridiculous.





I'm not taking it personally or getting caught up in a flame war. It was probably because of me posting about crossfit. Many people in the industry are against it and they are entirely entitled to their opinion. For me and for the many that I train I've seen life changing results from the programming. Real fitness not just strength or endurance. As I stated in my original post I'm more than willing to help anyone interested in it. I think everything has its place and was not putting down any other system by the comment. Just offering Jason an option he may not have known about as well as offering my help to him if he wanted it.


For the record I don't have much against the basic concept of crossfit. I think the excersises are great, I think it gives an awesome variety of training that is hard getting tired of which is great and I think it can fit a lot of people perfect. The thing that bothers me is first of all the marketing (and this may differ betweeen the states and sweden) with non-scientific and anti-scientific claims. I don't want to go into it all here but if you for some reason would care we can talk about it in another thread. Honestly I never meant to be rude, I just thought the situation and the quote was perfect for eachother.

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I can both acknowledge and respect all of that. Especially the repurposing of the Gorilla Biscuits line, and the 'tard' quip.


Although I can't back the calling a lady (any lady) a bitch. That's just super offensive (in my world) and I'm the type that will call someone on it. I don't expect us to see eye to eye on it, and I'd also rather not argue anymore, I just had to throw that out there.


Johan, I'll pm you later, because I totally get where you're coming from, and would like to get this out of the way. (Not about the 'bitch' thing. About the drama thing)

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glad 2 c all the fighting over.


@johanx - I just put a quick concise statement regarding what crossfit is. If I put the actual definition of crossfit as a fitness program built upon constantly varied functional movement executed at high intensity, designed to increase work capacity across broad time and modal domains that generally gets a WTF does that mean? response out of people and with this being a forum and not a face to face conversation I tried to avoid that. I'm happy to hear you don't have an issue with it. As far as marketing Crossfit has "affiliates" not a "franchise" so each affiliate is able to conduct their business as they see fit. There is no specific advertising sent down from headquarters. I obviously have no idea what your seeing sweden, so I am not sure what scientific claims you are referring to. Crossfit is into tracking workout results to make sure you are getting stonger, faster, fitter, "increasing work capacity". But I am always open to a discussion if would like to talk about it.

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