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How can Women reduce more fat?

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Everyone knows by now that the only thing that makes a woman look "manly" is steroids. In fact weight training has been proven to increase metabolism, protect bones and make a woman look fantastic. To say that anything other than yoga and suryanamaskars makes a woman look manly is just wrong.


I'm lifting extremely heavy, like three to five rep sets with whatever I can manage at that weight, and my boyfriend still finds me attractive. I'm not a bodybuilding type at all, I'm much more interested in powerlifting and olympic lifts, but I have managed to not become manly-looking. Strong women just look like strong women.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You've migrated to India? Where? Cool, I love India too. I do Yoga but you are right I should do it more frequently, it is really the best for a woman - physically and emotionally. Do you know a got online test?


Bombay/ Mumbai. I was born in India.. spent a lot of time out of here.. now a spiritual calling pulled me back .


I'll say this.. Do Suryanamaskars.. (Google it.. ) It has 10-13 (Antagonistic) Asanas depending on variation. And the sequence pretty much hits every muscle group in your body...


PS: I ask anyone here to try them out and see how the feel after.. Its wierdly burning and energizing .. Anyways.. I dont see a point in debating or proving how effective / good it is. Try it for a few weeks and then tell me how they feel. Simple as that folks


Whats a got online test?


PS: Just noticed that pink .. is that an Indian outfit?

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You've migrated to India? Where? Cool, I love India too. I do Yoga but you are right I should do it more frequently, it is really the best for a woman - physically and emotionally. Do you know a got online test?


Bombay/ Mumbai. I was born in India.. spent a lot of time out of here.. now a spiritual calling pulled me back .


I'll say this.. Do Suryanamaskars.. (Google it.. ) It has 10-13 (Antagonistic) Asanas depending on variation. And the sequence pretty much hits every muscle group in your body...


PS: I ask anyone here to try them out and see how the feel after.. Its wierdly burning and energizing .. Anyways.. I dont see a point in debating or proving how effective / good it is. Try it for a few weeks and then tell me how they feel. Simple as that folks


Whats a got online test?


PS: Just noticed that pink .. is that an Indian outfit?


Sorry my mistake. Do you know a GOOD online test, you were on about? I know the 12 asanas surya namaskar with the diving feature, it builds up a got strenght in the upper area. in the picture, yes thats an indian dress I was wearing during my stay in India. my best friend lend it to me.

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I am in a similar situation. I went back to the gym just over a month ago. I work out three times a week - I would like to do more but I work full time. I go twice after work when I do half an hour of cardio (I do push myself) and then an hour of weights. because of time restrictions I do upper body one night and lower body the next. Sunday is my big day. I go early in the morning and do a really good 2 hour workout - again starting with half an hour of good cardio. I lost a little weight to start with but then I put some on which is fine as I had gained a little muscle. Now I seem to be at a plateau. It is hard to find the right balance between eating enough food to keep my metabolism happy and less food to try and lose a little more weight. Belly fat is my problem. I do eat soy so after reading the previous posts I should try and cut down on that.

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ah like I thought and often been told I'm vata-pitta any tip from your side?


Read up on your Prakruiti.


Vata - Air - Low Digestive Fire - Raw Foods may cause increase in Air.. Lots of anxiety, thoughts etc.

Pitta - High Fire - Strong Appetite


Depends if you are Vata Dominant then you need to take care with your eating.


Look up the Vata-Pitta diet recommendations online.


PS: If you google for Ayurveda Encyclopedia PDF, you'll have a great reference. Add to that.. Google Books Search... You can read relevant sections in several books. . And ofcourse, buy one.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
That and training with kettlebells and getting enough sleep. You'll lose tons of fat in a matter of a few weeks.

I've been hearing A LOT about kettlebells lately. Are they really as great as everyone says? Thinking about taking an introductory class...


I did an 5 week intro kettlebell class last year and after training two days a week for 5 weeks saw some impressive results! I use them in my training for my figure comp now.


If you can learn to use them and take an intro class then absolutely go for it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

i wonder if it's possible for a woman to lose fat to the point of getting a six pack and be healthy at the same time. i'd love to get more muscle definition, and i know i have to lose fat for that, but my fat percentage is already quite low (must be at around 13%). i don't want to risk my health with a cutting high protein diet, i already have a family history of kidney problems. and going on a low calorie intake diet doesn't sound good to me either, as it can have the opposite effect (store fat intead of losing it) as a natural reaction of the body to the low intake. losing fat itself goes against the body's survival instinct (which is to store fat), i guess that's why it's so hard to accomplish. specially when your fat is already low.

it's specially harder for women, because of strongen i guess. so unfair. any suggestions or tricks?

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