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Hello from south Florida :)


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Thank you for reading my post! I am fairly new to both weight training and the vegan lifestyle. I'm 26 years old, I'm 6'3 my weight was 210 when I started working out in February of this year. My intentions were to bulk up, however I noticed that I was putting on too much weight and before I knew it I was 215 in April. My diet was whatever I saw I ate, so I started all over again. In April I decided to lose the weight first then start the bulk up process.


My weight went from 215 down to 182 which is where I currently am. I still have belly fat and I would like to bring my body fat % down to 10% or lower. Me and my girlfriend began reading the book called "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer. Wow! What an eye opener to say the least. Since then I have been eliminating meat completely from my diet. I still have dairy products such as fat free milk, fat free cheese and egg whites. I am hoping to get rid of these in the coming weeks.


My biggest concern is eating tofu (soy), I have read several articles online regarding its estrogen levels, and it being link to Thyroid and Prostate Cancer. Another minor issue is finding the right powder protein shake that does not include soy and doesn't taste horrible. I think this forum is great and I look forward to sharing experiences with all of you.


Best regards,



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Hello and welcome


Some people on here really know a lot about the soy debate, and there's also been a lot of talk about it on this forum, so you might just want to try the search option or search around the health-nutrition section.


Just wanted to say that soy's definitely not needed in a plant-based diet, also not when trying to gain muscle. Some people on here eat lots of soy, others none. So whatever you decide to go for, I'm sure you'll find great support here!

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Hi, Dot. Nice to meet you. I lived in FL for 20 years various parts.


I'm having a similar(ish) convo on my intro thread right now in reverse. I was mostly vegan for years, and now that I'm trying to gain weight, the only success I've had is to go back on milk and lots of eggs and cheese (and rice pudding, YES!).


To answer a question or two, you might try Seitan as a meat alternative--it's made from wheat gluten, the wheat protein. Also, try hemp milks and coconut milks. Though high in fats, some research has shown coconut fats to contain chemicals that stimulate the human metabolism, increasing fat burn. I had a friend who tried it in Miami where coconuts can literally be scavenged off the street, and he lost a small amount of weight before going raw foodist.

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If you go to the Health/Nutrition section we have had a few threads talking about the soy issues. If it's something you are really concerned about it and would rather not eat it, like julia said, it's easy enough to exclude it from your diet. However a lot of people on here eat soy with no ill effects.

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