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115 lbs and Rizing...


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Hey hey!


I went vegan a year and half ago and have been doing a 100% raw foodz for the last 8 months. I feel incredible and am looking for ways to put on healthy pounds. I have a very fast metabolism and lots of energy so I'd love any suggestions on how to bulk up my caloric intake on the reg while keepin it raw. I have a starting goal of getting myself up to my pre-raw/vegan weight of 135-140 lbs and then taking it from there. When I was on the SAD diet I piled away any food I could get my hands on and never had to consider the question of what was a good baseline weight for me to be at. I would just eat when I was hungry and since I never got chubby I assumed the weight I was at was fine. Now that I have taken control over what goes in my body it will be an interesting experiment to see what my healthy body looks like at my previous weight.


I'll be posting pics for anyone that is interested in my progress.


I look forward to meeting and learning from all the amazing people here!





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I went Raw for about 8 months last year. I would suggest making some of the fabulous desserts to increase your calorie intake. Most are made with some combination of nuts. I sometimes had a slice of coconut banan creme pie for breakfast.


There are several raw dessert books (and tons of websites, of course). My favorite book is Sweet Gratitude: A new World of Raw Desserts from Cafe Gratitude. I would highly recommend getting your hands on this book (your library might order a copy so you can check it out). I found a copy at my local bookstore (Borders), but you can also order directly from their website. I ordered another book from them, as well as coconut oil, Yuca, agave syrup, and Spanish Moss. If you've never worked with Spanish Moss (actually a seaweed) before, it's very interesting, but it turns out fabulous! It makes the desserts very light and fluffy - good for cakes and cupcakes. Their website is www.CafeGratitude.com.


There are some other raw dessert books out there, and one person has a raw cupcake e-book as well that's supposed to be really, really good. I'm not raw anymore, but I still make raw desserts. I don't know why more vegans and vegetarians don't. I think the desserts, with all of the nuts in them, is probably the best (and most delicious) way I can think of to increase your calories.

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Thanks for the suggestion! I'm all about the sweets so eating desserts sounds like a great way to put more calories into my daily diet. I've made a few cashew lemon "cheez" cakes before and can attest to the joy of eating a giant slice at 7am!


I've read a lot info on raw desserts and everyone seems to say the same thing about not eating too much since they are high in fat. In my case, I think that's a big plus!

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