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Hi! Not a vegan yet, need help with a pre- contest diet


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My name is Angela and I have been training for the past year. I have been eating the standard high protein diet for competition training. I have 10 weeks until my first bikini competition and need to lean out. I am so sick of consuming chicken,fish,etc.... I really don't know where to start with a vegan pre-contest diet. Can someone help me? Thank you!

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Hey Angela!


Welcome to the TEAM!


We have a bunch of people on here who compete, including myself. Both male and female competitors are around here.


Try posting a journal in the Online Journals section. There is always a lot of activity there and lots of feedback from others too.


I've competed 11 times as a vegan. I'm sure I can share some ideas with you as well.


Greens, grains, veggies, hemp, pea, rice protein, EFAs, some fruits, tofu, tempeh, etc.


When I compete I eat a lot of greens, essential fats, tons of protein drinks from Vega and Sun Warrior, grains, potatoes, yams, tofu, tempeh and some beans, nuts, seeds.


Catch up soon.



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Thank you Robert!


I will start an online Journal! I calculated my macronutrients for a cutting diet and I am trying to come up with something that works. I have 9 weeks and I hope to look better and feel better for my first comp.


I will try the tofu and tempeh too

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We're here to help you.


With your journal you'll get more feedback as it's one of the most popular sections on the forum.


I'm here to help you as well.


Check in with me anytime. I'll also check in on your blog and leave comments, suggestions, ideas, feedback, etc.


All the best!

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Good luck with your comp Angela! I've been training hard to get back in shape with the ultimate goal of doing a figure competition. I'm shooting for early 2011. Interested to hear how it goes for you, the meal planning for me seems really complicated when I break down the nuts and bolts, I eat well but I'm not sure how to eat optimally for pre-contest.

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