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Bigger arms

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So I'm on the 5x5, and I'm progressing, heavier lifts as the months go.


But I wish my arms could be bigger. More for vanity purposes, of course but I'm adding preacher curls or barbell curls on twice a week (I train 4 days a week now since I'm on hols but 3 days a week come January).


Any other exercises I could add to push the arms to grow more? Or do I need more carbs in my diet? I'm an ectomorph, started 5x5 in June around 53kg, now hovering near 60kg.



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My advice would be to stick with the 5x5

As you add weight to the compoundv movements, and add bodyweight, your arms will grow also.

Adding muscle can be a painfully slow process, but its easy to overdo things in the gym and slow the process down even more.

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Isolation work like curls is a complete waste of time if you weigh 60kg. Essentially, at your current weight, you 're simply not holding enough mass to get those big guns you want.


Stick to heavy compound work (olympic movements, deadlift, bench, press, pull ups, dips) & add more calories (good carbs, healthy fats & protein).

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Isolation work like curls is a complete waste of time if you weigh 60kg. Essentially, at your current weight, you 're simply not holding enough mass to get those big guns you want.


Stick to heavy compound work (olympic movements, deadlift, bench, press, pull ups, dips) & add more calories (good carbs, healthy fats & protein).


Agree with this. Add more cals. & eat more frequently, be sure to fuel up after workout. I know you've probably heard all this before, but the basics are true;


You need to be heavier before those big guns will start to fill out. At your current weight, you may notice more peak/definition in your arms, but you still need to up the mass.

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