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19 Year Old College Vegan...


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Hi Everyone!

I'm a 19 year old male college student in the US who has been a vegan for about eight months now (I started when I was studying abroad last year). I'm always trying to stay healthy and in shape, but have never had any luck in bulking up and building muscle no matter how hard I seem to work. Some people tell me that it's just because it's "not in my genetics," but I refuse to believe that. I'm grateful for any tips, hints, comments, etc. Supplements on a budget, workout routines, meal ideas would also be much appreciated.



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I hate to be rude, but there have been hundreds of posts like this before.


Google 'compound lifting' and search the forum for sample bodybuilding meal plans. There aren't any hard and fast rules, you just research and design a routine based on what you like and what will help you build muscle. As a beginner I would say to shoot for a 3 days a week, full-body routine, using compound lifts. Eat a clean diet (no white products, fewer processed foods, 1g/kg protein or more, lots of veggies, reduce added sugars and oils) and you will be good to go!

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