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is it to much fat?

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My meals are:




oat meal + little bit soy milk mostly water (sometimes I ad 2 tea spoons of 100% peanut butter)

whole smolina + little bit soy milk mostly water

kind of raw granola + soy milk



about 50gr of different kind of nuts and seeds



something from wheat like pasta



beans etc.

if im hungry i'l add on some soy junk (trying to give it up, but found it hard for now)

and maybe little salad with whole tahini


1-2 whole Rye bread slices + 2 tea spoons of peanut butter + some seeds or nuts above or i can add tea spoon of flax



Big salad with whole tahini, also I add corn / hummus




I workout for about hour a day, 6 days a week...


I don't know if I really starting to gain fat, but after I added the 2st and 4st dinners, I think I gained some fat...

I not gained that much fat in my opinion but this is not the goal




I hope you will have some suggestions for me how to improve my nutrition

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Unfortunately to be really effective you will need to count the calories and nutrient breakdown of your foods for awhile. You can do this at places like fitday.com or dailyplate.com, or use a program like Cronometer. Either way, it's very helpful to know the total calorie intake as well as the percentage of calories from protein, fat, and carbs....

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I agree, the only way to really know for sure what you are eating is to count it all up every day. I would recommend more green vegetables in your diet though. As much as you can eat really.


But, eating more fat does not lead to fat gain. Eating any excess calories will mean fat gain for almost all people. To put on a substantial amount of muscle you will have to put on some fat unless you use steroids or are genetically gifted.

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