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US Vice President Cheney Accidentally Shoots Fellow Hunter


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With all the plastic surgery available can they not try to make this dude less evil. I mean, really I get the hickups every time I see his face.




It's just too funny. Bush is just there because he seems too dumb to have any evil intentions. Cheney looks like the bad guy in a cartoon. I bet the guy pissed him off and he shot him on purpose.


It's not like I was looking for a bad picture of him either that's just the first one I came across.

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@ sinisterkunfu.


Hmmm...let's see, Cheney's bad judgment gets someone shot -- I'm shocked, I say, shocked!!




Here's my addition:


The 11th way cheney can kill you...(drum roll)


"Get w to scout for you": http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a247/Raven_PZ/MISC/dumbshit.jpg

I also like to entitle this one, "Why I Voted The Way I Did"

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Turns out the shot lodged in the guy's heart. They keep trying to make it out like it's not big deal. The original wounding is no big deal. (Although it lodged in the guys heart.) Now he just suffered a minor heart attack. I wonder if they'll even mention it at all when he dies.

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Turns out the shot lodged in the guy's heart. They keep trying to make it out like it's not big deal. The original wounding is no big deal. (Although it lodged in the guys heart.) Now he just suffered a minor heart attack. I wonder if they'll even mention it at all when he dies.


I kinda hope the guy dies, just to see if anyone will attempt to charge Cheney with manslaughter.

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I kinda hope the guy dies, just to see if anyone will attempt to charge Cheney with manslaughter.



Crispy cringes. . .

Much as I hate the evil dick, I would never wish death on anyone.


Besides, he & his administration (including his boy-king puppet) have so far been teflon -- nothing sticks. I hope this event contributes to their downfall, but not at the cost of Whittington's life, even if he too is a slime-ball.

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Did you see the headline today?


I saw it in a newspaper at the gym. Knight-Ridder I believe is where it came from. It was something like this:


"Companian at fault in Hunting accident."


Apparently it's not a good idea to wear a target on your shirt when you hunt. Who knew?


This isn't the same headline but it's another article:




"According to witnesses, Cheney accidentally shot Whittington in the face, neck and chest on Saturday after the Austin lawyer strayed from the vice president's group during a quail hunt at a South Texas ranch. By their testimony, Cheney failed to honor the first rule of hunting, as posted by the National Rifle Association and other pro-hunting groups: Be sure of your target and that you can fire safely into the area beyond it before you pull the trigger."

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By their testimony, Cheney failed to honor the first rule of hunting, as posted by the National Rifle Association and other pro-hunting groups: Be sure of your target and that you can fire safely into the area beyond it before you pull the trigger."


The real problem is that he didn't honor Will Peavy's First Rule of Quail Hunting. This rule states, "You shouldn't go quail hunting in the first place, doofus."

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I think that death & killing excite the evil dick.






Dick Cheney Kills Birds Dead

The manly veep has himself a lazy, "canned" pheasant slaughter, and we are so impressed




Nossir, our man Dick, he has himself flown over, in Air Force 2, on the taxpayer's tab, accompanied by his most favoritest shotgun, to the exclusive Rolling Rock Club in Ligonier, Westmoreland County, in rural Pennsylvania, to have himself a nice, cushy "canned" pheasant hunt.


This is what it was: Dick and about nine other overfed white guys sitting in a comfy luxury blind with their manly shotguns, waiting for the Westmoreland guy stationed behind them on a hill to release clusters of stunned, fat, tame game birds from a net. Then they shoot them.


Lots and lots of them. And then they slap each other on the back. And they grunt and say nice shot as the birds drop like flies as dogs race back and forth hauling dead or dying birds into huge piles. Whee what fun.


More than 400 birds were killed in one lackadaisical afternoon. Dick himself blasted the living crap out of 70 birds, all by himself. That's right, 70. Plus an unknown number of mallard ducks. Then they had them all plucked and vacuum packed and sent back home to show off to the staff. Dick was driven back to the airport in a Humvee.




This isn't hunting -- it's slaughter. He has no humanity.

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Well it's a good thing this article was in 2004 and people are now working to make canned hunts illegal ! The fact that my tax dollars went in any way to this sissy man's "sport" outrages the hell out of me ! (and that's not easy to do )


By their testimony, Cheney failed to honor the first rule of hunting, as posted by the National Rifle Association and other pro-hunting groups: Be sure of your target and that you can fire safely into the area beyond it before you pull the trigger."



The real problem is that he didn't honor Will Peavy's First Rule of Quail Hunting. This rule states, "You shouldn't go quail hunting in the first place, doofus."

I second Will's rule with the proviso, "You shouldn't go hunting period."

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This incident is looking more and more like a cover-up. It has been reported recently that there is a pellet lodged near or in the victim's heart. Either he swallowed it and it somehow made it whole through the digestive system into the bloodstream...maybe he snorted it. or the reports previously given were fabricated lies. http://www.infowars.com/articles/us/cheney_shooting_coverup_in_progress_ballistics.htm I first read about the pellet in the heart here, but I just heard about it on the radio today as well.

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I’m always willing to don my tin foil hat for a good conspiracy theory!


Personally, I believe they delayed in reporting the incident because the evil dick had been drinking. They had to wait long enough for him to dry out. Honestly, I put absolutely nothing past this administration -- nothing. Personal responsibility is something they like to preach to the rest of us but do not take on themselves.


My heart goes out to Whittington & his family. Can you imagine going through this at 78 years of age?

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I think that death & killing excite the evil dick.






Dick Cheney Kills Birds Dead

The manly veep has himself a lazy, "canned" pheasant slaughter, and we are so impressed




Nossir, our man Dick, he has himself flown over, in Air Force 2, on the taxpayer's tab, accompanied by his most favoritest shotgun, to the exclusive Rolling Rock Club in Ligonier, Westmoreland County, in rural Pennsylvania, to have himself a nice, cushy "canned" pheasant hunt.


This is what it was: Dick and about nine other overfed white guys sitting in a comfy luxury blind with their manly shotguns, waiting for the Westmoreland guy stationed behind them on a hill to release clusters of stunned, fat, tame game birds from a net. Then they shoot them.


Lots and lots of them. And then they slap each other on the back. And they grunt and say nice shot as the birds drop like flies as dogs race back and forth hauling dead or dying birds into huge piles. Whee what fun.


More than 400 birds were killed in one lackadaisical afternoon. Dick himself blasted the living crap out of 70 birds, all by himself. That's right, 70. Plus an unknown number of mallard ducks. Then they had them all plucked and vacuum packed and sent back home to show off to the staff. Dick was driven back to the airport in a Humvee.




This isn't hunting -- it's slaughter. He has no humanity.

Thanks for posting that. It makes me sick.

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