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Emoticon Battle Contest (Shelby take note)


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Ok, Shelby, I see you enjoy the emoticons quite a bit (again we thank Attila for them!). So why don't we have a little emoticon battle?


Just for fun, a break from reading the health and fitness info and just play around for a bit. (You can tell I'm at work on a Sunday, not too much going on).


We'll just communicate through images now, rather than text. Not just for Shelby, anyone can join in.


Bring it on Chi-Town!


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Robert, this is an AWESOME idea!!!! You are a genius! Question: Are we supposed to try to decifer an emoticon message? (cuz if so, I have no idea what yours means! I'm guessing it has something to do with Computer Geek-Ninjas should not moon/fart around Boxers??? Yes, I am Emoticon-illiterate... but I'm working on it! LOL).


Ok: Someone try to decifer this message:



(This is easy so those of us, uh like me!, who are new to Emoticons... plus, I couldn't think of anything really good off the top of my head, lol)

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Hey, I think that is ME


I don't think there was any message behind my first emoticon statement. Normally I'm quite clever but I was bored at work and just put some random ones there to get it rolling.


Ok, here is a message you can try to figure out:






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Ding ding ding!!! Robert solved the first Emoticon Puzzle! (Like it was THAT hard, though! LOL )


Dude I have NO idea what your puzzle is.... I gave u a novice one and u threw in a super-advanced one for me! I'm either really flattered that u think I'm that clever to figure it out or irked that u gave me such a difficult one! LOL


Ok, I'll give it a shot, but it will probably make NO sense:


An agent finds a joe-blow off the street to star in his new movie, which is a romantic comedy involving an umbrella. The movie is a smash hit, which makes the Joe-Blow estatic, so he goes and buys a total muscle car, which makes him Joe-Cool instead of Joe-Blow. With his new riches, he buys a computer, and while browsing around, he comes across information about veganism and then becomes a vegan. THE END!


So... how off was I?


Here's your next puzzle (sorry for my lack of creativity... my brain is fried from studying most of the day):


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Shelby, I love your emoticon story...you're hungry and not sure what to eat. You are tempted to eat some soy ice cream but think better of it. Then maybe a protein drink but they have been upsetting your stomach lately so you think that maybe you'll have some cake instead. Time is ticking and you are still hungry, a big confused, not sure what is available in the house so you stick with what you know is always there....the microwave, and you heat up a giant smiley face, enjoy dinner and have a big satisfying smile on your face



Now....for my story....sorry, it was a bit confusing, that is my fault. My story is about a guy and a girl on the beach. The guy is a lifeguard. The girl pokes him on the head and says, "hello Dave." Dave leaves his post where he is supposed to be keeping an eye on things. His boss (Edward) sees him sitting in the sun under an umbrella when he is supposed to be working and yells at him on the megaphone! The girl "Wendy" kisses Dave on the cheek and they head off to the beach house to 'hang out' That is Dave peaking out the window, very pleased with himself for skipping work and getting to hang out with a hot vegan girl. Then he has a really exciting time and is springing with joy and drives off. Wendy waves goodbye.


Dave walks back to the beach and gets a thumbs up from "Carl" who knew that Dave had a huge crush on Wendy and she finally asked him out because he was too nervous to ask her out.


Then Dave is sitting at the computer chatting with Wendy online. He has a lot of time on his hands since he was asked not to come back as a life guard. Dave figures, "Oh well..........Go Vegan!"


The end.


Strange you weren't able to solve that story Shelby. It's ok, no worries.



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LOL!!! You know, that was my second guess. Yeah, I was just a bit off, wasn't I? What a creative story that was though! Talk about detail! Almost makes me wonder if it is based on a true story! (But, it totally makes mine look kinda lame, eh? LOL).


You were close to guessing my story, but not exactly correct. (although, your version does make a lot of sense too!) Here's what I originally thought:

A guy is hungry and doesn't know what to eat. He's a health-conscious vegan, so he wants to eat something healthy. He looks in the fridge and finds icecream, but he knows that that is off-limits b/c he can't eat dairy (he has non-veg roommates, lol). He finds some beer, he doesn't want that b/c it's not healthy either. He finds some cake, but thats not a nutritious meal.... He's still unsure what to eat and time's-a-wasting and he's getting hungrier and crabbier by the second. Finally, he gets so frustrated that he gets the idiotic idea to just microwave himself and end the misery, lol..... (yeah, I know... LAME! hehehe)

Uh, I definitely like your version better....



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Thanks Shelby,


I am really having fun coming up with these stories and reading your stories. Mine as all made up, I just looked around for images that could potentially tell some Baywatch story....I liked the beach theme.


Thanks for explaining your story, I guess I was off, but same general idea


I'll come up with another one today or tomorrow to keep the chain going

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HAHAHA.... I get it now! Was "Dave" suppossed to be David Hasselhoff? LOL... I still am in awe of your creativity!


I was gonna post a puzzle in my last post, but I need to think about it for a bit... we need more emoticons! There seems to be a few common themes: love, bodily functions, drinking/pot, and inflicting pain on others, LOL...eh, I guess that sounds like just about every movie and TV show out there, hahaha


This is awesome and a great way to waste time! Thanks for keeping this going!


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Thanks Gymhater, that is pretty awesome


Not too detailed but I think I figured it out



Oh, and Shelby...no I wasn't even thinking of David Hasselhoff, I just went with a beach theme that seemed somewhat like Baywatch Drama

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Yah! We got another person playing along! Ok, let me try to guess the puzzle: it's Robert meeting the vegan girl of his dreams (maybe from the VegNews ad? From the forum?) and falling in love! Awwwwwwww! )


How off was I this time? Lol

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