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Awesome Ninja Guitar Vids


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Hey dudes. I got bored and made these videos of me playing video game music and various other interesting things on guitar. See if you can guess what they're meant to be. I hope that most of you can get the 1st one as it's not a videogame and isn't very obscure. The others, I hope at least the people of my generation can get :P


















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You're correct about 1 and 5 Due to people's ineptitude, here are the things I played so you can go 'ahhhhh I see...'


1. the A-Team

2. "Get the Party Started" by Pink

3. Ryu's Theme from Street Fighter II

4. Zangief's Theme from Street Fighter II

5. James Bond Theme

6. Inspector Gadget Theme


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oops, seems like I didn't do too well. I only played streetfighter on the amiga 500, did the charakters have a own theme there?


I am not sure about on the amiga, I seem to remember that they mixed and matched the music on that system. But in the arcade, and on the snes, each character had a home stage, in their country, and it had specific music for them. Ryu's stage was like a wooden platform / rooftop, with a tile roof top behind, and Zangief's was a strange industrial looking place with chains and a crowd in the background.

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ah yeah right! I remember those stages. I think I remember Guiles homestage, there you had to fight in front of an F16

hm but I can't remember any themes., only those strange battlescreams like CHUUUUUN LI KICK and ryos chicken-like noises haha

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