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help me find the right meal plan


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Hi all! I've just introduced myself... but I'll do it again.

My name is Irene, I'm 22 years old and I have decided to start training seriously. Until now I trained (and ate) when I wanted to, as much as I wanted to. Thus I reached a good level of fitness, but I am not satisfied.

I think my body doesn't show up all my efforts and the problem is one: diet. I've been vegan for 9 years but I've always relied on (vegan) junk food. I want to make a clean break with the past (and all the crap I ate) but it is not so easy for me to understand where to start... there is so much misinformation out there! I am so confused! I definitely need your help

I train every single day for at least 1 hour. I need to "do something" even during my rest day, usually it is some yoga or light cardio with some stretching. I prefer aerobic activities, but now I've increased strength training because during winter I can't go running (I am a full time student and I come home it is already dark). I have no access to a gym so I train at home with dumbbells, mostly watching workout dvds.

I am 5ft4" tall and I weight 127lb (163cm, 58kg), I am not overweight but I would like to replace some fat with muscle without following an hypocaloric diet. I don't know how much calories I should eat, however. According to my heart-rate monitor I burn between 500 and 1000 calories per workout, but I know they are not reliable. It is also true that I spend most of my day sitting on a chair doing brain work. I neither know how much protein I should eat. I tried some smoothies with rice protein, but they tasted disgusting... and I don't want to take all my protein from soy! Moreover, I know I should as much fruit and vegetables as possible, but the problem is always the same... how much is enough?

Where can I find a precise meal plan to follow (at least for the first days)?

Thank you. I know, I sound like a noob, but that's what I am!

PS. bear in mind that I am Italian: I have not access to all the supplement/strange foods you have in the US.

PPS. thank you again!

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Hi Irene, try looking in the training journals section under some of the female's that post specifically what they are eating on a regular basis. You might want to find a non-bodybuilder unless that is your goal.


Goodluck ,



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