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if you ever feel a cold coming on do this

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This always works for me without fail. When you ever feel a cold starting to creep up on you (i.e. when your throat isnt really sore yet but is kind of scratchy and on the way to sore, and/or when your body feels fatigued like it does when you have a cold, or any other "a cold is on its way" symptoms), do this and you will hopefully defeat the cold/flu before it takes full hold of you:


chop up 4 - 5 large garlic cloves, drizzle on a little olive oil, then pour yourself a large glass of organic oj, take spoonfuls of the chopped garlic down with big gulps of the oj until all garlic is finished, then wear some warm pj's, set the temperature of your room to comfortable -(not too cold or hot), crawl under your blankies and get a good 10 hours of sleep.


I guarantee that when you will wake up you will have kicked that cold's ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This never fails for me. But the trick is to do this when you feel the cold coming on, not when you already have a full blown cold. If you wait until you have a full blown cold, it may not bee as effective (though I am sure it will still help your immune system fight the cold).



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olive oil on garlic eh?? sounds interesting


my way of eating the garlic is g00d 2..... grind up a clove or 2 and add it to a piece of bread, but thats if you can take the burn otherwise i'd do your recommendation add it to pizza AFTER taking it out of the oven though...thats crazy awsome 2


also i'll share this magical liquid if you just take as little as a drop or 2 it'll kill your cold..... ready for it......... oregano oil ..... i've felt colds come on twice this year already t00k some oregano oil and in a matter of a day or 2 i felt 100% better also my allergies hit me so hard these past couple days i t00k a couple drops and guess what? lol.... you beatcha, gone.....for now *knock on w00d*

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Hmm...well then I change my recommendation from olive oil to oregano oil. That combined with chopped garlic and several big gulps of oj to wash down the chopped garlic with and you will wake up feeling fine.


The key though is garlic, and not just one or two cloves. if you literally bombard your system with garlic (5 big cloves), every nasty thing in your blood stream wont stand a chance and you will the next day wake up feeling 100% (but smelling like a garlic bomb).

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When you have a cold or before a cold, a good thing is to take megadoses of vitamin C. Rest is very important to.


I believe they have been studies recently that show high doses of Vitamin C make no difference whatsoever to a cold. Same with echinacea.....

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I haven't been able to actually test it, since I haven't been sick since going vegan and being homeschooled around a year ago. I read in a few different articles that vitamin C doesn't help prevent colds if taken daily. That isn't really the same as taking it when sick though.


Do you happen to have any articles about these studies? I like reading things like that. Also this guy from this web site (www.doctoryourself.com) swears by vitamin C. I believe he has a lot of different articles on vitamin C to. Although i haven't had the time to read them.

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I read the vitamin C one. It doesn't really convince me that much, but this is one of those subjects where you have to decide yourself. I don't like to read one article and make up my mind either. It was a good read though. Although it seemed like the testing was incomplete also.

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