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Injured kitty lost in Toronto area-please read if u can help

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"Hi there!


We rescued a wonderful cat last April. He was homeless and had suffered multiple injuries, the worst of which was a broken front leg. After a month of daily feeding we were finally able to gain his trust and bring him into our home…shortly followed with medical treatment for his leg, an infection in his rear paw, as well as this and that. Over the past month he gained weight and was near to full recovery by which point we were grateful to have found him a trusted home with a very loving couple. (We've been rescuing cats over the last 4 years and have reached our limit within our household).


Unfortunately, during his trip to his new home he escaped from his carrier and jumped out of the car (which was fortunately stopped at the time). We are terribly worried `because he is shy, is not familiar with the area, and due to his leg has difficulty in defending himself. Yet it is his bandaged leg which makes him stand out from other cats so we are hoping that if you, or someone from your organization were to hear something about a homeless cat (orange & white fur – about a year old) with a broken leg (his front left leg) who may have been picked up or spotted in the area near the intersection of Bathurst and Eglington, we would really appreciate it if someone might be able to contact us. Our phone number is 416-929-1562 and our e-mail is [email protected] . We would be greatly thankful with any assistance to finding him so please feel free to post this email elsewhere and share it with other likeminded individuals. We have also included this picture of him.


Our sincere thanks for taking the time to read our note and any help you may bring to our search.


Again – He was lost on Thursday, June 1, in the late afternoon at the North East corner of Eglington and Bathurst (he sprinted to a small, secluded natural area behind a plaza and a small 3 story tenant building). Luck would have it; a woman regularly feeds a number of other homeless cats in the exact same area, so we do hope he may choose to stay in this area. His bandage is white and was changed the night before so at least it'll help protect his leg for at least the following week."




I tried to post the pic of Limpy but it didnt work (Editted to add, yes it did now work thanks to endcruelty!). He is an orange and white cat with a bandage on his front broken leg. he has been lost for a few days now, is hungry, in pain, and needs that bandage chaned or it will get infected and he could die a slow painful horrible death.


There is a small reward of $100 be offered for this lil guy's safe return.


Edited by compassionategirl
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that sux i'll keep a l00k out


you cant a post of pic of the cat??? cuz theres no extention on the image because it is an attachment im assuming....... i uploaded the pic use this



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I'll pass this along to my vegan friends in Toronto (who still haven't joined the forum).


Rob, can you PLEASE do that like right now? Sorry to sound demanding but he is an injured cat and so this is obviously urgent. It has been a few days now, he is in pain and the bandages need to be changed soon or he couold get a serious infection and die a painful death.


Please anybody and everybody, post the action alert about Limpy to and all and other boards you frequent where you may have a toronto audience, and also, if you know anybody in Toronto, please URGENTLY forward them my initial message in this thread.


Thanks encruelty for your help with the picture of lil Limpy Kitty.

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