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jonathan: the consumer

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hey jonathan,



what do you eat daily?


could you please list the foods and the quantities that you consume daily?


I want to know what you eat for energy/weightgaining for powerlifting and strongman stuff.


thanks man!

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Hey Topher


Well the main part of my diet is actually Pea protien isolate. I find that this is cheapest source of protein that I can get so I get through a lot!


This is a typical day:


9am, Breakfast (toast/cereal) - 700cal,


11am, Smoothie (500ml pineapple juice, 1 banana, 50-60g pea protein, 20-30g flax/olive oil)


1pm, Lunch (anything really - I don't pay very much attention to it) 1000cal


3pm, smoothie (same as above) 700 cal


5pm, snack (nuts, pittas - cashews are really good) 700cal


7pm, smoothie (same as above) 700cal


9pm, dinner (again, a normal meal, just quite alot) 1000cal


11pm-midnight - smoothie (same as above) 700cal




Calories - 6200

Protein - 300-340g


Not sure how much fat or carbs are there, but plenty. Another thing that I have started throwing in my smoothie is maltodextrin, which is really good.

Also, during training I drink water with dextrose for energy, which I think helps. Adding a bit of fruit juice makes it less sickly sweet.


This is of course just an example day, but it doesn't vary much. Calories can be anything from 5000 to 6700 in the day but abot 6000 is typical.


Good luck with the bulking Topher!!



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Good suggestions Jonathan, and it is helpful for me too. I used to eat BIG but lately I haven't been (lately meaning the past 1-2 years). It's time for me to get going on it again so this is a great reminder that I have to consume to GROW.


Keep on getting large®. Topher will find this helpful too. He can eat a lot. He used to make 100g protein drinks at my house

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thanks jonathan!


this helps a lot.


once i move into my apartment and have some positive cash flow, I'm gonna invest into a home gym and start bulking up like crazy.


so for lunch you consume 1,000cal and for dinner too?

I'm thinking I'm gonna consume wholewheat pasta cause its cheap and I can totally get those calories no problem.

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A nicely laid out diet plan! Perhaps I'll have to give this a go. I may try to bulk up to a full 105kg for strongman since I seem to be more of a natural at that then powerlifting. Right now I'm a pretty plump 215lb but I figure about 10lb of that will drop off in 3 weeks when I'm not doing rehab training anymore, and I'd like to slam the weight back on (or not lose it entirely) while I improve my endurance and event training.


Good luck Topher on the home gym and training. 145lb is super light, holy cow!





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Topher how can you get 100g in one drink??? I understand if its 64oz or something or if its more like a paste. I know its possible...just wondering how you did it. In hs I would make 60g chocolate whey shakes but it would be more like milk and sand.

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Topher would consume 4 servings of Vega at once! 25g of protein from hemp/rice/flax/pea/chlorella in each serving.


He was big while he was here in Oregon. He lost a bit of size lately, as he admits, but his body responds well and he works hard, so you'll see a BIG Topher again soon

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Maybe when I get some cash I can buy some vega. I've been excited to try it but ever since I found out about it I've been broke...I'll definately buy some it Portland though

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  • 3 months later...

Not much I am afraid. Moving house, twice, getting married and going on holiday have all taken their toll. My bench is still stuck at 297lb and my bodyweight is about 257lb. I am however much leaner than I was at 264lbs, so I think that my muscle mass has increased as I am stronger than ever. Although at the moment comically unable to lift for heavy single reps!


An example of this is that I wanted to max out on deads on Wednesday. My goal was 230kg/506lbs. I got to 210kg/462lbs but that felt a bit too heavy so I didn't go any heavier. I dropped back to 180kg/396lbs and pulled 10 reps! That should give me a 1rep max of 240kg according to an online calculator.


Same with bench - 8 reps 105kg/231lbs is now super easy - I did 8x100kg/220lbs close grip. But then 127.5kg/280lbs felt pretty heavy for a single the other day.



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