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ARMs support when squatting

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Hey how you guys doing? I have a question about squatting. When I squat today I kinda push the bar upward with my arms because it was getting kinda heavy to get up. I don't mean the weight was light enough so I could actually LIFT it but I supported it little bit with my arms and the bar was still in contact with my back. I thought that supported physically and mentally. Is this proper? or Should I just forget about arms support totally and just use my body only?

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When I first started doing them I did that but I think its a natural reaction until you get used to them. You also may have the bar to high up your back/neck...it should rest on the lower part of your traps...this will take away the leverage the bar has on you and give you better balance. I spent alot of time doing squats and it eventually came a comfortable movement so I would actually hang my hands over the bar with my forearm resting on it. If you have the bar in the right place it should be terribly uncomfortable to push the bar with your arms anyway...hope this helps

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if your legs are lifting it they are lifting it and its not too heavy...you can push it all you want with your arms and unless your doing it quick like a clean and jerk your not making it easier. You may think your making it easier but your not taking the weight off your legs. So long as your doing the squats its not to heavy for you...you've just gotta get over the mental block thats all. We've all got it...when we do squat maxes we think we're low enough and our spotter says no and you think your butts on the floor but it isn't...you want it to be but its not there yet and when you get low enough and finish the lift you think they were trying to kill you.

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Try to squeeze the bar and wrap it around you. It helps you push your back into the bar and keep you upright.


But I have done what you are talking about, get up out of the hole and hit a sticking point and then push with your arms a bit to try to do anything you can to finish the rep. I'm all for doing whatever it takes on a max effort.





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  • 4 weeks later...

I love squats!!! SQUATS ARE KING!


I like to focus on my legs while I'm squatting, pulling myself deep into the hole, getting down as deep as I think I can go, and then going deeper.. so if I'm helping with my arms, I don't worry about it. Focus on your form, and your legs, and if you naturally push up with your arms, then let it happen.




What type of hand spacing do you guys use? some people I see, grip right at the ends of the bar where the collars are. I myself prefer a nice narrow grip, close to my shoulders, to get it in nice and tight, to prevent the bar from slipping.

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I kinda to an ape hang...my hands never actually hold the bar. I keep my hands wide and rest my wrists on the bar and my hands relax and dangle over it.

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