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Robert's Blog: "Everything is Awesome"

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I realized that I did leave the house before 5PM. I went to the post office to ship out some things around 1:30PM today.


After the hours of posting videos, I finally got going and went to the gym to train some abs and calves. There were only 2 of us in the entire gym. I do go to a small gym, but it was strange since it was only around 7PM and the gym is open until 11PM. Then again it's Saturday night and other people have different priorities or got in there earlier on during the day.


I really just hung out at home today working on the computer. Not a lot of working, but a little bit of work and mostly uploading videos, watched American Pimp for fun, and hung out with davidtarrfoster a bit.


I slept in big time today (got up around 11AM) so I'll try to get an earlier start on Sunday morning to get some things done.


My e-mail was down for about 2 weeks and now it has been upgraded and is working again so I have a ton of e-mailing to do to catch up on things.

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New forum member dreamingana was the only one from this forum I saw at the NW VEG vegan potluck tonight. What's up with that? www.nwveg.org for more info about them. I'm a board member and I'd love to see more of you local vegans out at the NW VEG events.


Anyway, today was good. I spent a lot of time on the computer catching up on e-mails and playing around. I really need to clean up my room!....and the kitchen, and basement and garage. Lots to do!


I'm excited to have 1,000 more DVDs arriving soon. I'm excited about doing a massage tomorrow and I'm excited that things with Vega seem to be going well at the moment.


I'm quite sleep and as usual it's between 12AM-1AM and I'm still awake. I go to bed before midnight less than 10 times in a calendar year...I'm certain of that. I'm never in bed by midnight. Less than once a month I find myself in that situation.


I think I'll meet another new forum member tomorrow so that will be a lot of fun too.


OK, I'm out!

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Things are going well these days. My National Speaking Tour is coming together! I just confirmed locations including Boston, San Francisco, and Orlando, as well as a few other places locally in the Northwest.


I had 3 Vega shakes today and had a nice back workout. I'm also visiting with some friends, randomly bumped into xdarthveganx at the bank, saw Lotus and loveliberate at the co-op and hung out with my roommate davidtarrfoster watching a Noam Chomsky documentary.


Time for bed shortly!

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Things are going well these days. My National Speaking Tour is coming together! I just confirmed locations including Boston, San Francisco, and Orlando, as well as a few other places locally in the Northwest.


I had 3 Vega shakes today and had a nice back workout. I'm also visiting with some friends, randomly bumped into xdarthveganx at the bank, saw Lotus and loveliberate at the co-op and hung out with my roommate davidtarrfoster watching a Noam Chomsky documentary.


Time for bed shortly!


That's awesome Rob ! Have a great time in the east !

You said Northwest. Will you be at the Vancouver Health Show?

if so I'll see you there

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Hey Tasha,


I'll miss the Taste of Health in Vancouver this year. I'll be speaking at the World Vegetarian Day Festival in San Francisco.


Most of the Northwest stuff is in and around Portland, but I'll try to get up to Seattle sometime and maybe into B.C. too.


I think we'll set up a Seattle gathering one of these days so we'll probably cross paths soon.

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Well anyway I'll be there helping Lennie and Dr Graham out.

I CAN'T WAIT !!!!!!


Why that's a fantastic Idea about the gathering. I'm in


I heard that expo in San Fran is huge.

If you run into Bradley Saul tell him I said hi


I'm looking forward to seeing you again !

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Awesome, have fun! Say hi to everyone for me!


...........I just got back from an AMAZING camping/hiking trip with oregonisaac and davidtarrfoster and a few other friends. It was incredible. I posted about it in the General Discussion section and I'll post photos and videos soon


Time for bed, but all is great!

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Awesome, have fun! Say hi to everyone for me!


...........I just got back from an AMAZING camping/hiking trip with oregonisaac and davidtarrfoster and a few other friends. It was incredible. I posted about it in the General Discussion section and I'll post photos and videos soon


Time for bed, but all is great!


I will for sure ! You can count on me Rob hahahaha

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I'm out of town again. I was just home for the evening and part of the day today but I spent most of the day painting at my Dad's house in Corvallis, OR. I'll be here again all day on Tuesday doing more painting. I'll eventually get home Tues night or Wednesday afternoon. It's a great time out here.


Things are starting to get busy this summer/fall. Then again, things are usually busy for me. I tend to not have a lot of "down time" but hope to fix that after this fall. I want to go to L.A. for part of the winter and hang out with Brendan Brazier. I think he'll be chillin there this winter.


I ate a whole Vegan Pizza tonight so I'm pleased. I'm having a weight-gain contest with an online friend of mine and so far, we're neck and neck in a "race to 200." We both have a long way to go though.


Tasha, thanks for always checking in on my blog. I think you are really cool.


I need to go find more mountains to climb with oregonisaac and anyone else who's up for it.

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I'm out of town again. I was just home for the evening and part of the day today but I spent most of the day painting at my Dad's house in Corvallis, OR. I'll be here again all day on Tuesday doing more painting. I'll eventually get home Tues night or Wednesday afternoon. It's a great time out here.


Things are starting to get busy this summer/fall. Then again, things are usually busy for me. I tend to not have a lot of "down time" but hope to fix that after this fall. I want to go to L.A. for part of the winter and hang out with Brendan Brazier. I think he'll be chillin there this winter.


I ate a whole Vegan Pizza tonight so I'm pleased. I'm having a weight-gain contest with an online friend of mine and so far, we're neck and neck in a "race to 200." We both have a long way to go though.


Tasha, thanks for always checking in on my blog. I think you are really cool.


I need to go find more mountains to climb with oregonisaac and anyone else who's up for it.


Thanks Rob.. You make it so easy ALL WINTER ROB IN LA?

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Hey Babe,


Not all winter. I'll have to spend most of it in Portland for Vega, but I do want a good 10 days or so in L.A. hanging out with Brendan and maybe Tonya and Ani. L.A. has so much going on!


I'm actually hoping to get up to Victoria sometime in the near future....not sure when, maybe this fall. I'll let you know. I have lots of family there. That is where Professor Cheeke (my Dad) is from.


Well, time for bed. Lots of painting to do tomorrow! Night Night everyone.

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Today I worked with my Dad for more than 12 hours. We're painting a barn at his farm. It's cool hanging out with Professor Cheeke He's one of the smartest people on the planet.......I'm not just saying that because he's my Dad, he just is. He's written about 15 college textbooks that are like 500 pages long, he's a world specialist on a number of things and has been a University Professor for 30+ years. I wonder what happened to me? How did I turn out this way and not smart like him?


Anyway, we had a great time painting today and eating at Nearly Normals and just chatting, joking, etc.


I confirmed that I'll be speaking at the Boston Vegetarian Food Festival in October.


A short list of places I'll be speaking include:


Raw and Living Spirit Festival - Moalla


World Vegetarian Day Festival - San Francisco


Boston Vegetarian Festival - Boston


Central Florida Vegetarian Festival - Orlando


Vegan Holiday Festival - Portland



I'm putting this tour together all by myself and then I'm getting Vega to fund it since I'll be running a Vega booth at each event. Of course I didn't get the speaking gigs because I'm some Vega employee, I got them because I'm "Robert Cheeke - Vegan Bodybuilder" so that feels pretty good. It took me a lot of years to build up a good reputation and now I have my own National Speaking Tour


I'll start a new thread about the tour sometime because I'm sure I'll be seeing many of you as I travel around North America.


Time for some food and then sleep. Early morning of painting tomorrow.

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Hey Rob,


I noticed on the Toronto Vegetarian Food Festival that Brendan is going to be speaking there! Wahoo! I hope I get a chance to meet him.


I am also attending the Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) that day, about 2 blocks away from the Veggie Event. I have friends from Wholesome Sweeteners who are an exhibitor at that show.


Lots to do that weekend. Can't wait!


Be well on your travels.

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I'm finally back home in Portland! I've been away 5 of the last 6 days so it is nice to be back home.


I had a great time working with my Dad and hanging out with him. No photos, in fact I don't have too many photos with him. I better get on that soon! He really doesn't like being in photos so that is part of the reason we're not in many together....although we just ate at Portland's newest ALL VEGAN restauarant last week and had a photo together there.


I have a lot of work to do now that I'm home and I think I'll leave in another 1.5 days to go back and help my Dad paint and then attending a wedding on Sunday.


Busy times in general.


Anyway, I better eat a bit more and head to sleep.

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(...) he's a world specialist on a number of things and has been a University Professor for 30+ years. I wonder what happened to me? How did I turn out this way and not smart like him?

@Robert: Your are an inspiration to so many people and you really make a difference. Never forget that!

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(...) he's a world specialist on a number of things and has been a University Professor for 30+ years. I wonder what happened to me? How did I turn out this way and not smart like him?

@Robert: Your are an inspiration to so many people and you really make a difference. Never forget that!


I second that.

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(...) he's a world specialist on a number of things and has been a University Professor for 30+ years. I wonder what happened to me? How did I turn out this way and not smart like him?

@Robert: Your are an inspiration to so many people and you really make a difference. Never forget that!


I second that.


Me Too Rob.

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I hope it is worth it. I'm spending hours online e-mailing people on myspace to vote for me and www.veganbodybuilding.com in the VegNews Magazine Survey. I think it will pay off and we may make the ballot next year.


The magazine isn't that big, but it is probably the best Vegan Magazine out there period! They have about 50,000 circulation, but it's growing all the time.


While doing all this networking and promo stuff, I'm listening to a lot of David Cross, Bill Maher and Chris Rock comedy on YouTube. It's great stuff


Time for a bit more fruit, and then sleep.

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This morning I had breakfast with xdarthveganx


I had 3 1/4 large pancakes and some potatoes. I'm soooo full! I've got to run around and complete a bunch of errands today and then I'll head out of town again and be gone for the next 3-4 days.


Just a reminder, Sept 1st is the last day to vote for us on www.vegnews.com



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Just a reminder, today is the LAST day to vote for the www.vegnews.com Veggie Awards.


Today my Dad and I worked for 12-13 hours. From 7AM-8PM when it started to get dark. We just finished dinner and now I'm off to bed soon. We chatted a lot about political comedy, something I'm really getting into.


Good times.


Anyone want some fruit? My dad has peaches, pears, apples and plums on the trees in his yard and I'm welcome to as much as I want. I'll bring some up to Portland on Monday night so if you want some, let me know and come by and get it on Tuesday.


My tour schedule is getting busier!


This week I added Boston, Washington D.C. and San Franciso to the scheule. I already had San Fran on for another date, so I'll be there twice, and I also have Orlando, FL and various cities around Oregon as well. More good times.


I'm out of town more than I'm in town now


I trained legs a couple of days ago. I'm working my ass off training glutes and I love it. My butt is really coming into it's own and I like seeing and feeling it happen. My abs are a little sore from last night's workout but not too bad. Mostly my glutes, more than anything are sore for the legs/glutes workout on Thursday.


Well, time for bed soon. Thanks for voting for me in the VegNews Magazine Survey. I appreciate it.

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