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So here's the thing....


I've been going through and ready the diff. posts from everybody, as well as checking out the recommened web sights. But there is just so much information to try and absorb I'm getting utterly overwhelmed by it all.

Is there a book or something out there like "Vaganism for Dummies" or something similar, that wil break it down for me , and walk me through the whole transition? lol

Thanks ahead of time for any adivise, or tips.



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There actually is a book like the one you asked for


It's "The Complete Idiot's Guide To Vegan Living" and it was written by a friend of mine who lives in Eugene, OR. - Beverly Lynn Bennett.


There are lots of great books out there. I'm sure you'll see many other suggestions as the days go on.


Awesome that you are really getting into this.


Also, a DVD you should watch is Eating, 2nd Edition. I have it, so you can borrow it sometime.

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thanx to both of ya'll.

i'm reading some stuff at the site Hero just gave me. and its so much easier for me to understand.

i was joking about the book, but its good to know there is one. i think i'll need to go get it, that way everything wll be in laymens terms for me.



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Even though the book has a silly name, it really is awesome! It's a great resource for anyone.


Cool, keep on reading and learning. There are so many important issues to become aware of and I'm really pleased you are interested and excited about exploring them.

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I would thoroughly recommend Skinny Bitch by Kim Barnouin and Rory Freedman. It really tells you about how bad meat and dairy are for you and also offers some meal plans. The downside is the meal plans do feature a lot of "fake meat" but can easily be adjusted.


I also like vegan with a vengence for meals and as already mentioned there is a whole host of information on the internet. Including some great recipes and meal ideas.

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Hi, Tammi, Welcome!


Here are some links to look through and read:


WHY BE VEGAN AND HOW - also has free archives of GREAT recipes


MEAT, EGG, DAIRY SUB INFO and where to find them. Just go through that site! It's got tons of info.


Fantastic nutritional info at VEGAN HEALTH.org


If you feel like listening: This interview with scientist, DR. Campbell of the China Study - especially good if youwant info right now and you don't have his book! I highly recommend it: http://rawveganradio.podomatic.com/enclosure/2006-07-10T08_37_48-07_00.mp3


and listen to vegan doc, Dr. Greger on nutrition.


Some basic and specific nutrition answers from registered dietician VIRGINIA MESSINA


DR.FUHRMAN'S BLOG - which has tons of information. Tons of stuff in the archives to just go through and learn, learn, learn.


Some stuff to read about why MILK is so bad






THE CHINA STUDY scientific basis for veganism for health -- will change your life.


BECOMING VEGAN, by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina


EAT TO LIVE, by Dr. Fuhrman - how to eat the healthiest diet for everyone, not just those trying to lose weight.


THE FOOD REVOLUTION and DIET FOR A NEW AMERICA, both by John Robbins have been the catalyst for many a vegan.


THE VEGETARIAN WAY by Virginia Messina and Mark Messina


Those should keep you busy for a while .


E.T.A. For now, maybe just buying lots of fruit and veggies and some grains is a good idea. When you go through the sites, you will learn more about meal prep, what you need to get to supplant your non-vegan items.

Also read labels of the foods you buy. This may get annoying and take up some of your time, but, believe me, you will get very fast with it and it will become automatic.

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