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Yeah, that's a mullet.


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Above 40!? I'm still in my 30s!


I think it's actually less about age difference and more about all the communities that have formed on the internet. Like the vegan bodybuilding forum for example. There so many new "dialects" it's impossible to keep up on everything. If you break it down into age groups, the generation gap is probably only a few months, or even a few weeks.


And don't worry, mulletass, I wasn't offended by anything, just havin' fun.

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mullet, I've had the same prob several times on the forum. I initially just talked how I wanted, how I talk in real life, but Rob made a topic ages ago saying he'd like people to tone down their language a bit. I respect that because it is his forum, and I don't have to be here; I use what he has provided, and so just removing a bit of slang seems fair enough. So now I don't use the 'f' word and I don't use the 'c' word or the 'n' word, and I try to refrain from faux racism. But I do still use some slang and faux -isms from time to time and a handful of people ask me not to. I personally think it's a divide in culture or heritage or whatever, some people see some words as 'bad' regardless of why or how they are used, almost as though those words shouldn't even exist. I think I'm from the same school of thought as you mullet, in that I believe the intention or meaning of the word, determined by the user at the time, is the thing that matters. There will always be miscommunications. One thing I've been thinking about recently is, if everyone thought like me, there'd be no problem, and if everyone thought like the other type of people, there'd be no problem either. It's because there is a clash in points of view that there is the problem. In my day to day life, because my friends and family basically feel the same as me, we don't constantly say to each other "Wait, what do you mean by that? Why do you have to be so vulgar?" because we all know it isn't real, it's not even something to question, you just have faith in one another that you can't possibly mean it because it's so unreasonable. I would feel kind of like job-interview-time if I was to stop talking like that altogether, if I considered how I could possibly offend someone by any and everything I say, I'd be on edge and freaked out. I'd rather just say kind of whatever, or judge people as I get to know them and gradually open up around them, and if they do get upset by what I say, I will perhaps lay off around that kind of topic around them, or explain myself and hope they understand.


Anyway, yahr, it's up to you how you handle yourself. Robert is a very reasonable person. He just wants this site to be a place where people get along, and also where people of any age could potentially visit. That's a tall order, everyone can't get along all the time, but his intentions are good. My advice would be that if Rob does ask you to tone it down, don't take it to heart or whatever, he's just trying to do what's best for the big picture. But you should be okay! It's not like you're attacking anyone.

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Yeah, we just had a really long bit of paper that we would write on and then mail it around the other 5 people who used to forum, and if they had anything to say they'd write on it and pass it on. In the end, I sold it for 58p and then I bought a cabbage

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Welcome. I will have to check out some of thos bands you mentioned. I haven't heard of quite a number of them and I am always looking for new music. As for the language thing, I believe you should talk in the way that seems right to you; but if others are offended, you should probably try to tone down what you are saying in respect to them.

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