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The house won't sell!


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So this is neither school or work, but, I guess it relates to the both of them. I am just venting. We put up our beautiful town home six months ago, with the hopes of selling fast and being in Portland for school by Fall 2006. Never happened. We keep getting showings, but no one is biting. We have come down in price so much, that we are now loosing money. Money that I wanted to pay for school with, money to move to Portland with. The town home behind us sold in six days and closed today!


This has turned out to have been the absolute worst investment of my life and I do not see myself purchasing real-estate anytime in the near future, thousands lost.


I know the market sucks, just about everywhere, it is just still depressing. I do my best to stay positive, but I am disappointed over and over. At this point, it seems I will be homeless when i get to Portland.


This is holding me back from school and getting on with life. I don't really have anything going for me here and my future is all out there. I guess it just comes down to the fact that I do not like not being in control of things.


How do you all deal with that? You know, things you have no control over?

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That does suck! Any chance of just renting it out for a year and seeing if the market improves?


We are stuck for now in jobs we don't want, paying much more in rent than we want, but we do have a plan. Funny you mention being homeless, because that is exactly our plan for the summer. We're going to live in a tent in the woods on an organic vegetable farm, no electricity, no plumbing, no income! Freedom or just poor, ugly and happy? We're also planning to spend some time at the Rainbow Gathering and at Vegan Vacation.


So, if life isn't working out the way you planned, start working on a new plan. I know it's easier said than done, we've got several months more of suffering ourselves.


Best of luck!

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That sucks man. I'm sorry to hear about that. I know Portland is waiting for you and 25 of us here on the forum from Portland are waiting for you.


There is never a worry about being homeless in Portland if you are on this forum. There are plenty of people who'd be willing to house you for a certain period of time, myself included.


I don't know anything about real estate but someday I hope to buy a home.


Sorry to hear about your situation. Are you still in the house now? Do you "have" to sell the house before coming to Portland or can you have someone sell it while you're out here? Do you have a real estate agent?


I hope it all works out well for you and is sorted out soon.


All the best!

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That does suck! Any chance of just renting it out for a year and seeing if the market improves?


We are stuck for now in jobs we don't want, paying much more in rent than we want, but we do have a plan. Funny you mention being homeless, because that is exactly our plan for the summer. We're going to live in a tent in the woods on an organic vegetable farm, no electricity, no plumbing, no income! Freedom or just poor, ugly and happy? We're also planning to spend some time at the Rainbow Gathering and at Vegan Vacation.


So, if life isn't working out the way you planned, start working on a new plan. I know it's easier said than done, we've got several months more of suffering ourselves.


Best of luck!


I would rent, but, I reallllly really need that money. And, I don't want to worry about tenants 2000 miles away. I am just ready to say goodbye to Loveland and not look back. This is why I feel so tied in here.


Your summer sounds like it will be fun. Is there just one Rainbow Gathering? A co-worker went last year and had a really good time. He took a bunch of our tents from work. Oh, and if you need a tent, like a cabin tent, let me know.


Working on a new plan is hard, esp when I've had my hopes set on Portland for so long now. It can't go on much longer I imagine. As long as I am out of Colorado this summer, things should be OK. I just want out now!

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That sucks man. I'm sorry to hear about that. I know Portland is waiting for you and 25 of us here on the forum from Portland are waiting for you.


There is never a worry about being homeless in Portland if you are on this forum. There are plenty of people who'd be willing to house you for a certain period of time, myself included.


I don't know anything about real estate but someday I hope to buy a home.


Sorry to hear about your situation. Are you still in the house now? Do you "have" to sell the house before coming to Portland or can you have someone sell it while you're out here? Do you have a real estate agent?


I hope it all works out well for you and is sorted out soon.


All the best!


Thanks Rob,

It's good to know that people would take others in when they need help. I know I would do it in a heartbeat for any of my fellow friends. We do have an agent, but, can't afford to pay a mortgage on Colorado and rent in Loveland. If you do buy a house, plan on being there for quite some time. I didn't, but don't do 100% financing. This is one reason the market is so saturated. Make sure you still have a decent nest egg after making your down payment and get a home inspection. Those are my big tips

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If your lucky maybe you can get renters to bite if a real estate agent is dealing...that way you do lose a bit of the profit but the real estate agent can be held liable if they screw the place up

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That is awesome!


We welcome you with open arms in Oregon and further strengthen our Portland Vegan community. I'm glad this stress will be over for you and congratulations on the sale and being able to move forward.


Welcome to Oregon!

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