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back to a truly Canadian topic......beer


Sleemans and Keiths are my favourite mass produced beer.

There are some great regional ones around too.

I personally like Garrisons from Halifax.

They have some interesting flavoured ales... raspberry and jalapeno.

(not as overpowering as most other flavoured beers I've tried)


We used to have a pretty good local brewery ( Aggassiz) but they have bit the dust...... awfully tough to compete with the national brands.

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not too bad actually.

The first sip gives you a traditional ale flavour and it is followed by a little heat. Just a litttle burn.

I think that's why I like it so much, they didn't overdo it with the flavour.

I'll have to get some shipped to me. Unfortunately, it's a regional beer and they don't sell it where I live

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the NorthEast

(you wouldn't want to go to the wrong coast)


I spoke to one of the owners when I was there. He said he wasn't aware of any other breweries which made it. (possibly in Texas)


I just love trying new beers

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