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i'm gonna get fast... i hope

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My resting heart rate this morning was 75. Not a big surprise.


So I did weights and crunches this morning, same thing I did the other day. I'm just maintaining for now.


I left work and came home sick and slept for a couple hours. I'm feeling quite a bit better, and plan to attempt 10k in a little bit. At least the sun is shining.

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OK so I did 7k instead, but I did the first 5k pretty hard (about 90-95% effort- 25 minutes) and then did two slow kms after. According to my HR monitor, it's about 180 bpm for a 5 minute km right now. I spent the first 5k between 175-185 bpm. I took my heart rate again two minutes after I stopped running (while walking) and it was down to 135 bpm. Not sure what that means, but I'm keeping track of this stuff for now to see if there are any patterns or whatever. Apparently I also burned 386 calories, which is pretty cool considering it wasn't that long or tough of a run.

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Your resting HR should really be lower but it could be stress doing that to you since your fit enough to not need a HR like that and you've got a pretty good diet. You may have a small heart though. I've got a friend(vegan too) thats a cyclist and when she's out with us in zone two on a group ride(most of us are between 125-145) she's trying to keep under 170 and she does have a smaller heart for her body size. Luckily her max HR is over 200. You should find out what your max hr is...this may answer some questions for you. Also breathing could be an issue. Its habitual for some people to take short breaths and not even notice and that can result in a higher resting HR. Consciously breathing deeply can fix this for a while and maybe you'll get used to it eventually.

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Your resting HR should really be lower but it could be stress doing that to you since your fit enough to not need a HR like that and you've got a pretty good diet. You may have a small heart though. I've got a friend(vegan too) thats a cyclist and when she's out with us in zone two on a group ride(most of us are between 125-145) she's trying to keep under 170 and she does have a smaller heart for her body size. Luckily her max HR is over 200. You should find out what your max hr is...this may answer some questions for you. Also breathing could be an issue. Its habitual for some people to take short breaths and not even notice and that can result in a higher resting HR. Consciously breathing deeply can fix this for a while and maybe you'll get used to it eventually.


I have had an absurdly fast pulse for as long as I can remember. Since high school at least. Before I began running it was more like 90 bpm so this is an improvement. And I do think stress could be a factor. Another possible factor could be the issues I've had with weight loss and gain over the past 12 years. When I was 15 I intentionally put on 50 pounds because I got so tired of people telling me I was "too skinny" and making fun of me for my weight. I probably ate 4,000+ calories a day and was sedentary. I reached nearly 150 pounds, from 100. Then I lost it all again. And then when I was 24ish I went back up to nearly 140. And now I'm below 110. This is where I'll stay because it's a lifestyle change now, but I do think sometimes I might have screwed up my heart a bit with the fluctuations.


How do I find out my max heart rate? I was up to 189 today but didn't even realize it. I am sure I could go higher.

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Normally losing weight drops your HR though. Mostly because your heart has less body to pump blood through. As for being scared from the losing weight I hear ya. I gained and lost 40lbs every track season for about 6 years(that 3 seasons a year).

To find your max hr make sure you are properly warmed up and nothing beats doing intervals to get it. Running or maybe the eliptical seem to be the best ways to find it. Its tough for a lot of people to max out on a bike...most people think they've maxed out but they'd be higher if they ran. Anyhow...what you want is a deep range. I low resting is very good and a really high max is good too.

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Yup just go as hard as you can. Sometimes it may take a few tries if you didn't warm up perfectly. A long slow warmup tends to be best to get all your muscles warm for an extremely short and hard effort. If you have a max hr measurement on your watch you'll be better off too since you can just hammer it without looking down to see where your at.

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So I forced myself to go out and do another 5k this morning. It was actually great weather to run in. I was a little disappointed though. I did the first 2.5 km in 12 minutes, and thought I'd surely manage to do the whole thing in 24 minutes as I'm usually stronger in the second half because I'm warmed up by then. I didn't look at my watch again until 5km, and I had already passed 25 minutes. WTH? Anyway, I didn't really push myself excessively so I guess I didn't deserve to do it in 24 minutes, but I sort of hoped I would anyway. I don't want to push it too much now, as I want to have something left in me for the race.


I will run again tonight and then take Friday off of running. I'll do weights and stuff then. Saturday a fairly short run, and then Sunday the race. I think it'll be important that I get a warm up km or so in on Sunday before the race, as I usually feel the worst the first km and then pick it up.

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Well, I always stretch and stuff before running. But when I did my first 5k race I was too afraid to warm up because I didn't know if I'd still have enough in me to actually finish the distance. I'm a much better runner now than I was in July though, and I know I can run 5k no problem (hell, I can run 20k no problem now), so warming up can only be beneficial to me now.

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OK so I forced myself to go out for a second run today. I decided to do the first couple kms as fast as I could muster. At the 2.5km mark I was at 11:30... or a 4:36/km pace.


I was really happy with that so I let myself slow down for the next km or so (about 5:30ish). I figured I'd do the rest of it slow, but then I felt like going faster again so I did the last 1.5km at about a 5 minute pace and finished in 24:30.


I kind of wish I'd let myself see how fast I could have done it, and not intentionally slowed down, but I didn't want to push it. Hopefully that's what Sunday will be for.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm in Edmonton Alberta, so I can't change back to my other avatar at the moment.


I'm a bit jet lagged, but plan to run this morning. I guess I should start this earlier in the week though, since that's when we blacked out.


On Tuesday evening I went to the hammertime running group, where I met the coach and did about 9k of interval training. The coach thinks if I participate in the group a couple times a month and keep up my additional training I should still be able to make quite a bit of progress towards meeting my goals.


Wednesday I ran home from work, and then did an extra 2k loop afterwards for a total of 15.5k. It was supposed to rain or snow, but did not, which kind of disappointed me because I want to get accustomed to running in less-than-great running conditions.


Over Wednesday and Thursday we got a lot of snow dumped on us, particularly Wednesday night. So Thursday I waited until the afternoon, hoping the roads would be clear, and then went for a run that only ended up being about 5k (very slow too). The roads were still quite covered, and the sidewalks were not plowed at all. I wanted to go further, but I didn't want to run in circles. It was pretty cold out, but I was slightly overdressed in what I was wearing. I guess I'll figure it out over time. I also tried my yak trax and they worked quite well.


I did upper body workouts on two mornings, but can't remember which.


Thursday evening I flew to Edmonton. My flight was delayed for two hours, most of which was spent on the plane not knowing what was going on. It wasn't all bad though; my seatmate was a member of parliament for the NDP party (the lefties) so we had a good chat about politics, environment, etc.


Friday my friend and I went to West Edmonton Mall, which I believe is the biggest shopping centre in North America. It's insane! We only covered about half of it, and are going back on Monday. We plan to go to the waterpark then too, so I'll be breaking out the bikini and going for a swim. We also estimate we walked about 10k yesterday (see, there IS a fitness tie in!)


I intend to run 20k or so over the next couple days, but I still have to figure out a route.

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It can be.


No running for me today. somehow while bowling last night I managed to strain an ass muscle. It's not too bad but I don't want to aggravate it. So it's a bit of a low mileage week (44.5km) but not bad. I'd like to try and do a fairly long run tomorrow.

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well it's not quite the same as running, but I ended up walking 5k in the freezing cold to get to a restaurant, and then another km or two to get to a coffee shop, so at least I wasn't completely inactive today. but CRAP it is so FREAKING COLD out!

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I experienced the same thing in my legs. I went bowling for a work party(first time in almost ten years but I used to bowl twice a week) and my legs were more sore than after my 500mile week on the bike.

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Me legs are ok, it's just my butt! (although I am glad to hear it's not just me!)


It actually hurts even more today. Ugh. I'm also annoyed because I am not going to be able to run until I get home, so Wednesday evening at the earliest. That'll be four days of no running. I can't run because I don't have sufficient gear for how low the temperature has dropped. The weather forecast was saying it'd be only down to about -8C but it's -19 right now and with the windchill it feels like -28. If I had the right gear I'd go for sure, but I didn't pack it.


Going swimming this afternoon though, so at least it's something. But I think I may go crazy not being able run for so long.

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I tried to change my avatar and it won't work. So now I have none.


I am back from my trip and really anxious to get out there again. I was going to run home from work tomorrow, but it's supposed to be -19 with wind chill and winds from the east, which is the direction I run towards for 13 of 15 km. So I'm going to run in the morning instead, not 100% sure how far, but as long as I can. Then I will run Thursday morning or late evening, depending on how I feel, as I am going to a veg meet up Thursday over dinner. Friday I would also like to run in the morning if possible, but will skip it if I've put in enough mileage the previous two days. Long runs are in my plans for Saturday and Sunday. I'd like to total 50 km this week, however that ends up being divided up.


I am also raring to get back at the weights. I want to do them at least twice in the next five days. I bought some really nice new clothes while in Edmonton that I want to make sure I look good in, including a really nice silver satin strapless dress for which I have no occasion to wear.


I've been eating kind of shitty (by my standards) the past five days, and I hope to get back on the good eating wagon starting tomorrow, and get a VBBFfood journal under way. Unfortunately I have learned that Cracker Jacks are vegan, which led to a rather substantial binge. I used to LOVE caramel corn. I don't have any in the house though, so hopefully that will stop me from eating them for at least a few days.

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I'd love to see a food journal! I really like keeping mine. I look forward to updating it later tonight


Sorry you can't get an avatar. I'm not sure if it's our system problem or what. I know you've made a bunch in the past, but if this helps, check this out:




I've spent hours trying to get an avatar to work properly and then followed that thread and was fine.


All the best with it. I'm supposed to be at the gym but I'm on a phone meeting....

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