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odd testings on animals...


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i was wondering...how do people test stuff like condoms on animals? Some vegan companies say ''not tested on animals'' on their condom packets, so i suppose they ( the non-vegan companies ) do test condom on animals somehow...

how does that work?

i'm sorry if i'm being weird or anything like that, i'm just curious...


not everything seems to be testable ( is that even a word? ) to me.

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it's obvious they make miniature condoms and force rabbits to have sex.


i've never actually heard of this, but i'm sure you're right, there's never any shortage of tests they will inflict in the name of "science." all i know is that most condoms are not vegan cause they have milk derivatives in them to make them stretchy. dependence on animals is so central to our lifestyles it's hard to get away from this shit, sadly.

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, i imagine that they make them eat spermicide, put it in their eyes, cut them and rub it in , and stuff like that (To see whether or not it's dangerous for animals to eat the spermicide, to get it in their eyes, or to get it in wounds... for when their customers wich to involve animals in their sex acts, one can only assume.... )

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